Nova Scotia Department of Health

MHS Mental Health Services
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Services (MHS), a branch of the Nova Scotia Department of Health, provides leadership for the overall policy and planning of MHS and makes recommendations to the Department of Health on funding requirements of districts. With the help of other sectors, MHS is responsible for establishing priorities, standards, effective evaluation methods and for ensuring fair and equitable access to mental health services. Go to Mental Health Services Website

Depression Strategy
The Department of Health launched a booklet and posters Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005 as part of its three-year mental health strategy to raise awareness of depression. Go to Depression Strategy page.




Autism Spectrum Disorder
In December of 2004 the Nova Scotia Department of Health committed to develop and implement a provincewide Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention (EIBI) program for young children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Go to Autism page.