Air, Land, Water

Waste Reduction Week

Too good to waste

Too Good to Waste

Waste Reduction Week (October 16-22, 2006) is a series of events to raise public awareness about waste and its impact on our environment.

The theme of Waste Reduction Week, Too Good To Waste, promotes an understanding of how we can protect the environment by conserving resources and reforming wasteful practices. Waste Reduction Week aims to inform and engage Canadians about wasteful practices and their environmental and social ramifications.

One of Canada’s first Waste Reduction Week celebrations was organized here in Nova Scotia fourteen years ago, by Clean Nova Scotia. Today, Waste Reduction Week events take place across Canada in every province and territory. Waste Reduction Week in Canada is organized by a national coalition of non-government, non-profit environment groups from each of the provincial and territorial jurisdictions. Clean Nova Scotia is the provincial coordinator of the program.

You can visit the national “Waste Reduction Week in Canada” site at


Last Updated: 2006-Oct-16
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