Air, Land, Water

Bay of Fundy Awards

These awards were initially introduced by the department in 1998 to show its support for public involvement in environmental management, stewardship, and education initiatives. They recognize outstanding contributions made by the public and private sector for:

The awards are presented each year in conjunction with the Gulf of Maine Council Visionary award ceremony.

The 2005 awards were presented on January 10, 2006 at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax.

Award Categories

The Business Partnership Award recognizes a contribution made under partnership to address issues related to environmental stewardship and sustainable management of Nova Scotia's Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy environment. Nominees for this award may as a participant or leader be involved in a collaborative program involving community organizations, government or the private sector, to address issues of responsible and sustainable use of the natural environment of the Bay of Fundy.

Examples of eligible projects include:

The Environmental Awareness Award recognizes dedicated effort to increase public knowledge and understanding of environmental issues concerning the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy ecosystem. Activities nominated for this award may be a public awareness initiative, of a scientific, educational, or policy nature, that benefits the marine/watershed environment or results in a positive change in practice/behaviors to address an environmental concern. Nominees for this award may as a participant or leader be involved in for example:

View list of Nova Scotian recipients of the Business Partnership Award and Environmental Awareness Award.


Last Updated: 2005-Jan-12
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