Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection
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In February 2006 Premier Rodney MacDonald announced the creation of the Department of Health Promotion and Protection.

The new department brings together Nova Scotia Health Promotion, the Public Health branch of the Department of Health, and the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. By bringing together experts in promotion, prevention and protection, government is taking the next step forward in creating a healthier and safer Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia School Food and Nutrition Policy

Nova Scotia is going smoke free on December 1, 2006. Need more information? click here.

Addiction Awareness Week Activities, November 19 - 26 new

Provincial Flu Clinics new


Nova Scotia is the first province to commission an external review of the strengths and limitations of our public health system post-SARS. This review lead to the creation of the Department of Health Promotion and Protection, which placed all of our public health functions under one roof and strengthened the system's resources.

Click here to view the report.

Meet people across Nova Scotia who are taking an active role in improving the health of their communities.


2006-2007 Business Plan

Fact Sheet: Addressing Overweight and Obesity.

Major Events Hosting/Support Policy.

Our Latest Update (July 2006).

Archived Updates



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Comments to: Last Modified on: 11/12/06

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