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Addiction Prevention

 A social drink with friends, wine with dinner, beer to celebrate the end of exams.alcohol is everywhere in our culture.  Yet problem drinking is one of the least recognized health issues in Nova Scotia.

Alcohol plays a significant role in injury, risky sexual behaviour and chronic diseases, such as heart or liver disease.  It is also a factor in crime, violence, and other social problems.  Many Nova Scotians consume alcohol at safe levels.  However, about 20 per cent of those who drink regularly have 12 or more drinks per week, which is considered to be high-risk behaviour.

Problem drinking is drinking that causes problems in your personal life, or problems to your family and friends.  Nova Scotia Health Promotion Father and Teen will raise awareness about guidelines for safe drinking and provide more support through Addiction Services so people can seek help earlier, before serious problems develop. 

Addiction prevention efforts also include developing drug prevention curriculum supplements for schools, and contributing to government-wide policy and programs to prevent and to address problem gambling.

Visit the Problem Gambling Services Web site

For prevention and treatment services in the District Health Authorities, contact Addiction Services.

Addiction Prevention Links

Addiction Prevention Reports and Publications:

Evaluation of New Educational Materials Addressing High-Risk Drinking Among Young Adults in Nova Scotia (New!)

Extreme Drinking: A dangerous way to party View the Facts on extreme drinking

The Cost of Substance Abuse in Canada 2002: Nova Scotia Facts at a Glance

Alcohol Use in Nova Scotia-Fact Sheet

NSHP's new problem gambling brochures

» Is your Client at Risk?
» How do you Score on the Player Quiz?
» Video Lottery: Are you a Player?
» Problem Gambling Help Line
» What are the Odds?
» Does someone you care about have gambling problems?

Did You Know?

More than half of video lottery gamblers say that video lottery play affects their relationships with friends or family.

In 2002, about 31 per cent of students surveyed had at least one of ten alcohol-related problems or risks.

Nova Scotia's First Gaming Strategy


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