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Message from Barry Barnet,
Minister of Health Promotion and Protection

As a cheerleader on the sidelines I have watched the work of Nova Scotia Health Promotion (NSHP) and its partners progress in three short years to become the growing force for change it is today. I am honoured and indeed thrilled that Premier MacDonald placed the responsibility for promoting and protecting the health of Nova Scotians in my hands. The Premier has first-hand knowledge of how critical this work is to the province's future, and I want to assure you that my dedication will be no less than his.

We are a new department now, the Department of Health Promotion and Protection. We bring together the progress gained by Nova Scotia Health Promotion, the expertise of our public health staff throughout the province, and the vigilance of our Medical Officers of Health.

This is securing a healthier future for Nova Scotians.

We know it's critical for our province's future that all Nova Scotians are able to lead healthy and injury-free lives. Health Promotion has started us down that path on several fronts. We understand how critical it is to respond promptly to a health threat, be it the pandemic or something now unknown. These changes will build upon our existing strengths and expertise.

Bringing our well-respected promotion, prevention and protection resources under one leadership with one budget will make us stronger on all fronts. I look forward to being your partner as we grow.

Minister Barry Barnet
Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection

About the Minister



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