Welcome to our site! We hope you'll take a little time to browse through the material here, and get to know us and our work a little better. 

Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (PSC) is a national health organization, founded in 1985 as a registered charity. We are a unique organization of Canadian physicians who share one goal: the reduction of tobacco-caused illness through reduced smoking and reduced exposure to second-hand smoke.


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What's New?!
Check here for the latest.

Information & Resources

"Filter Tips"
Our e-zine on tobacco marketing. Lotsa pictures!

Smoking in the Movies
Hollywood should butt out

The English Edition.


Tobacco Industry Documents
and their secret stories

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What am I inhaling?!?
The chemicals in smoke.

Fact Sheets
Statistics & other bumf


Helping docs to help smokers.



Reefer Badness
Why Marijuana should not be smoked


Number of cigarettes smoked by Canadians this year


Campaigns and Actions

The Canada Pension Plan

it's your life savings -
insist on tobacco-free investing

Heather Crowe Campaign

to protect  workers from second hand smoke




Any comments about this web site, corrections, links to add or links that didn't work for you? Please inform our WebMaster.
Last revised: August 28, 2006

Contents Copyright © by Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada