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Canada Feature Film Fund Interim guidelines now online

Montréal, March 29, 2001 - It's a go! The interim guidelines for the new Canada Feature Film Fund are now available in the Financing section of the Telefilm Canada website: www.telefilm.gc.ca

Announced by Canadian Heritage Minister Sheila Copps on October 5, 2000, the Fund will begin operating on April 1, 2001, with an annual budget of approximately $100 million, twice the resources for feature films previously administered by Telefilm Canada.

"Mission accomplished!" declared Laurier L. LaPierre, O.C., Chairman of Telefilm Canada's Board of Directors. "This is the culmination of a process that began with the Canada-wide feature film policy review launched by Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage in 1998, and continued until very recently with national consultations on the CFFF guidelines. The industry finally has the policy and resources that it needs in order to grow."

"I want to express my gratitude to the Minister of Canadian Heritage for her important contribution to the cause of Canadian cinema," said François Macerola, Telefilm Canada's Executive Director. "The interim guidelines we are issuing today reflect the spirit of the new Canadian Feature Film Policy, addressing the needs expressed during the consultations, while encouraging a cultural-industrial balance beneficial to the development of the entire industry. To this end, Telefilm Canada will continue to work closely with the Fund's permanent Advisory Group, which represents the film community."

"The many clients and partners who participated in the recent consultations deserve praise," added Peter Katadotis, Telefilm Canada's Director of Canadian Operations. "Every region of the country has had a voice and a hand in setting up the CFFF. Our mission now is to see that the Fund serves to make films in which Canadians from coast to coast can recognize themselves."

The current guidelines are interim because they will be reviewed by the members of the permanent CFFF Advisory Group to be named by the Minister of Canadian Heritage, and will have to be approved by Telefilm Canada's Board of Directors.

Telefilm Canada, a cultural investor in cinema, television and multimedia
Telefilm Canada is a federal cultural agency dedicated primarily to developing and promoting the Canadian film, television and new media industry. The Corporation acts as one of the government's principal instruments for providing strategic leverage to the Canadian private sector.


Danielle Dansereau, Director - Communications and Public Affairs
Jeanine Basile, Senior Attaché - Communications and Public Affairs, basilej@telefilm.gc.ca
(514) 283-6363 or 1-800-567-0890