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Status of Bills



Nova Scotia House of Assembly
1st Session, 60th General Assembly
Progress of Bills

 The House opened on June 29, 2006; adjourned on Friday, July 14, 2006; reopened on Monday, October 30, 2006 and adjourned on November 23, 2006.

2006 Status of Bills

Subscription Information

Progress of Bills
Full text of the first reading and assented-to version (statute) of bills will be added to the table below as they become available. To view the text of the First Reading of a Bill, click on First Reading. To view the Debates (Hansard) of the Second Reading of a Bill, click on Second Reading Debates. To view the text of the assented-to version, click on appropriate link next to 200? Statutes.

Alphabetical Listing
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V| W | X | Y | Z

Numerical Listing
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106 107  108  109  110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120  121  122  123  

Access to Regulated Professions Act -- Bill 116
Accessibility for Persons' with Disabilities Act (amended) -- Bill 121
Agriculture and Marketing Act (amended) -- Bill 24
Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act (amended) -- Bill 67*
Appropriations Act, 2006 -- Bill 57
Architects Act -- Bill 115*
Arts Council, An Act to Re-establish -- Bill 79
Arts Council Act -- Bill 103
Assessment Act (amended) -- Bill 38
Assessment Act (amended) -- Bill 48
Assessment Act (amended) -- Bill 92*

Beechville Baptist Church Act -- Bill 39
Business Electronic Filing Act (amended) -- Bill 58

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act (amended) -- Bill 18
Canadian Forces Reservists Civilian Employment Act -- Bill 80*
Cape Breton Strip Mines Moratorium Act -- Bill 26
Condominium Act (amended) -- Bill 58
Consumer Protection Act (amended) -- Bill 87
Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, An Act Respecting the -- Bill 77
Court and Administrative Reform Act (amended) -- Bill 58
Criminal Notoriety Act -- Bill 17

Day Care Act (amended) -- Bill 53
Degree Granting Act (amended) -- Bill 5*
Defibrillators Act -- Bill 64
Digby Mining Moratorium Act -- Bill 76
Domestic Violence Elimination Act -- Bill 112

Education Act (amended) -- Bill 12
Education Act (amended) -- Bill 6
Education Act (amended) -- Bill 71
Elections Act (amended) -- Bill 119
Employment Support and Income Assistance Act (amended) - Bill 40
Energy Resources Conservation Act (amended) -- Bill 46
Engineering Profession Act (amended) -- Bill 114
Environment Act (amended) -- Bill 3
Environment Act (amended) -- Bill 110
Environment Act (amended) -- Bill 113
Expropriation Act (amended) -- Bill 58

Fairness in Fees Act -- Bill 106
Financial Measures Act -- Bill 31*
Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act (amended) -- Bill 27*
Forests Act (amended) -- Bill 56
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (amended) -- Bill 101
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (amended) -- Bill 104

Halifax Regional Water Commission Act -- Bill 72
Health Authorities Act (amended) -- Bill 97
Health Authorities Act (amended) -- Bill 99
Health Insurance Protection Act -- Bill 73
Heritage Property Act (amended) -- Bill 52
House of Assembly Act(amended) -- Bill 47

Income Tax Act (amended) -- Bill 25
Income Tax Act (amended) -- Bill 37
Income Tax Act (amended) -- Bill 118
Industrial Development Act (amended) -- Bill 111

Joseph Howe Day Act -- Bill 65
Junior Order of Nova Scotia Act -- Bill 35
Justice Administration Amendment (2006) Act -- Bill 21*
Justice Administration Amendment (Fall 2006) Act -- Bill 58

Kingston Food Bank Act -- Bill 41

Labour Standards Code (amended) -- Bill 2
Labour Standards Code (amended) -- Bill 45
Labour Standards Code (amended) -- Bill 81
Labour Standards Code (amended) -- Bill 83*
Licensed Practical Nurses Act -- Bill 11*

Maintenance Enforcement Act (amended) -- Bill 69*
Maritime Conservatory Reorganization Act -- Bill 34
Masonic Foundation of Nova Scotia Act -- Bill 85
Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (amended) -- Bill 30*
Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act (amended) -- Bill 117
Midwifery Act -- Bill 107*
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 22
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 4
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 33
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 50
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 58
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 61
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 86
Motor Vehicle Act (amended) -- Bill 120
Municipal Government Act (amended) -- Bill 9
Municipal Government Act (amended) -- Bill 15
Municipal Government Act (amended) -- Bill 95
Municipal Government Act (amended) -- Bill 42

New Minas Water Commission Act (amended) -- Bill 28

Occupational Health and Safety Act (amended) -- Bill 82
Occupational Health and Safety Act (amended) -- Bill 109
Order of Nova Scotia Act (amended) -- Bill 78

Pension Benefits Act (amended) -- Bill 68*F
Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act -- Bill 19
Petroleum Products Pricing Act (repealed) -- Bill 96
Police and Peace Officers' Memorial Day Act -- Bill 16
Poverty Reduction Strategy Act -- Bill 74
Property Valuation Services Corporation Act -- Bill 94*
Protection from Illegal Drugs Act -- Bill 10
Provincial Capital Heritage Commission Act -- Bill 123
Provincial Court Act (amended) -- Bill 89*
Provincial Fish Act -- Bill 70
Public Highways Act (amended) -- Bill 55
Public Highways Act (amended) -- Bill 58
Public Highways Act (amended) -- Bill 90
Public Prosecutions Act (amended) -- Bill 100
Public Service Act (amended) -- Bill 14
Public Utilities Act (amended) -- Bill 20
Public Utilities Act (amended) -- Bill 44
Pugwash Village Capital Grant Act -- Bill 105
Pugwash Village Grants Act -- Bill 102

Registered Nurses Act -- Bill 7*
Retail Business Holiday Closing Act -- Bill 60
Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act (amended) -- Bill 59
Revenue Act (amended) -- Bill 98
Richmond Stora Enso Taxation Act -- Bill 88
Right to Read Act -- Bill 66
Road Improvements Act -- Bill 49

Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act -- Bill 1
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act -- Bill 8
Safe Needles in Healthcare Workplaces Act -- Bill 13*
St. Paul's United Church Lands Act -- Bill 122
Securities Act (amended) -- Bill 75*
Senior Home Medication Review Act -- Bill 36
Student Aid Act (amended) -- Bill 43
Student Aid Act (amended) -- Bill 93
Sydney Casino Profits Distribution Act (amended) -- Bill 63

Temple Sons of Israel, Sydney, An Act to Incorporate (amended)-- Bill 29
Tobacco Access Act (amended)-- Bill 62*
Trade Union Act (amended) -- Bill 91*
Trade Union Act (amended) -- Bill 108

Wilderness Areas Protection Act (amended) -- Bill 32
Wilderness Areas Protection Act (amended) -- Bill 54
Wills Act (amended) -- Bill 23*
Wind Turbine Facilities Municipal Taxation Act -- Bill 84
Workers' Compensation Act (amended) -- Bill 51

Status of Bills

Bill No. 1 An Act to Make Communities
and Neighbourhoods Safer

The Hon. Murray Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement Proclamation
2006 Statutes
Chapter 6

Bill No. 2 An Act to Amend Chapter 246
of the Revised Statutes, 1989,
the Labour Standards Code

Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading June 30, 2006

Bill No. 3 An Act to Amend Chapter 1
of the Acts of 1994-95,
the Environment Act

Hon. Mark Parent
Minister of Environment and Labour
First Reading June 30, 2006

Bill No. 4 An Act to Amend Chapter 293
of the Revised Statutes, 1989,
the Motor Vehicle Act
David A. Wilson
First Reading June 30, 2006

Bill No. 5 An Act to Amend Chapter 123
of the Revised Statutes, 1989,
the Degree Granting Act*
Hon. Karen Casey
Minister of Education
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 10, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 14, 2006; November 16, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 6 An Act to Amend Chapter 1
of the Acts of 1995-96,
the Education Act
Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading June 30, 2006

Bill No. 7 An Act Respecting the
Practice of Registered Nurses*

Hon. Chris A. d'Entremont
Minister of Health
First Reading June 30, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 8, 2006; November 14, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 17, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 8 An Act to Make Communities
and Neighbourhoods Safer
Kevin Deveaux
(Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage)
First Reading June 30, 2006

Bill No. 9 An Act to Amend Chapter 18
of the Acts of 1998, the Municipal Government Act
Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 7, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 8, 2006; November 14, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 17, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 10 An Act to Combat the Production
and Use of Illegal Drugs
Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement Proclamation
2006 Statutes
Chapter 5

Bill No. 11 An Act Respecting Licensed Practical Nurses*
The Honourable Chris A. d'Entremont
Minister of Health
First Reading June 30, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 8, 2006; November 14, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 17, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 12 An Act to Amend Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1995-96, the Education Act
Hon. Karen Casey
Minister of Education
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 2, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 13 An Act Respecting Safer Needles in Healthcare Workplaces*
Hon. Chris A. d'Entremont
Minister of Health
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement January 1, 2007
2006 Statutes
Chapter 7

Bill No. 14 An Act to Amend Chapter 376 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Public Service Act
Hon. Michael G. Baker
Minister of Finance
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading October 31, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 15 An Act to Amend Chapter 18 of the Acts of 1998, the Municipal Government Act
Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 9, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 14, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 17, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 16 An Act Respecting a Memorial Day to Honour Police and Peace Officers
Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement October 10, 2006
2006 Statutes
Chapter 4

Bill No. 17 An Act Respecting the Profits of Criminal Notoriety
Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading October 30, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006; November 8, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 17, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 18  An Act to Amend Chapter 3 of the Acts of 1987, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act
Hon.Mark Parent
Minister of Environment and Labour
First Reading June 30, 2006

Bill No. 19 An Act to Protect the Personal Information of Nova Scotians from Disclosure Outside Canada
Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006; July 11, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement November 15, 2006
2006 Statutes
Chapter 3

Bill No. 20 An Act to Amend Chapter 380 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Public Utilities Act
Hon. Mark Parent
Minister of Environment and Labour
First Reading June 30, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 7, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 8, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 21 An Act Respecting the Administration of Justice*
Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading October 31, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006; November 8, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
( Third Reading Debates)
Third Reading November 17, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 22 An Act to Amend Chapter 293 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Motor Vehicle Act
Hon. Angus MacIsaac
Minister of Transportation and Public Works
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 2, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 23 An Act to Amend Chapter 505 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Wills Act*
Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading October 31, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 17, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 24 An Act to Amend Chapter 6 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Agriculture and Marketing Act
Hon. Brooke Taylor
Minister of Agriculture
First Reading June 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement Proclamation
2006 Statutes
Chapter 8

Bill No. 25 An Act to Amend Chapter 217 of the Revised Statutes, 1989 the Income Tax Act
Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading July 4, 2006

Bill No. 26 An Act to Enforce a Moratorium on Strip Mines in Cape Breton
Frank Corbett
(Cape Breton Centre)
First Reading July 4, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)

Bill No. 27 An Act to Amend Chapter 25 of the Acts of 1996, the Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act*
Sterling Belliveau
First Reading July 4, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 10, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 11, 2006; November 20, 2006; November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 28 An Act to Amend Chapter 89 of the Acts of 1982, the New Minas Water Commission Act
Hon. David M. Morse
(Kings South)
First Reading July 5, 2006
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee November 1, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 9, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 29 An Act to Amend Chapter 224 of the Acts of 1920, An Act to Incorporate the Temple Sons of Israel, Sydney
Gordie Gosse
(Cape Breton Nova)
First Reading July 5, 2006
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee November 1, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 9, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 30 An Act to Amend Chapter 4 of the Acts of 1991, the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act*
Michel Samson
First Reading July 5, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 31 An Act Respecting Certain Financial Measures*
Hon. Michael G. Baker
Minister of Finance
First Reading July 5, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 10, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement Proclamation; except s 2 effective January 1, 2001:September 21, 2006; s 18 effective January 1, 2004:September 21, 2006; ss 25(2)-(3):effective January 1, 2005:September 21, 2006; ss 27(1)(a), (b) and (d) effective April 26, 2005:September 21, 2006; ss 10, 11, and 19 effective January 1, 2006:September 21, 2006; s 21: January 1, 2006 upon proclamation; S 26 effective May 9,  2006:September 21, 2006;
ss 52 - 53 effective July 1, 2006:September 21, 2006.
2006 Statutes
Chapter 2

Bill No. 32 An Act to Amend Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1998, the Wilderness Areas Protection Act
Michele Raymond
(Halifax Atlantic)

First Reading July 5, 2006

Bill No. 33 An Act to Amend Chapter 293 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Motor Vehicle Act
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading July 5, 2006

Bill No. 34 An Act Respecting The Maritime Conservatory of Music and the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts Society
Howard Epstein
(Halifax Chebucto)
First Reading July 5, 2006
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee July 13, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement July 14, 2006
2006 Statutes
Chapter 11

Bill No. 35 An Act to Establish the Junior Order of Nova Scotia
Wayne Gaudet
First Reading July 5, 2006

Bill No. 36 An Act Respecting the Establishment of a Process to Implement Senior Home Medication Reviews
Stephen McNeil
First Reading July 5, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)

Bill No. 37 An Act to Amend Chapter 217 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Income Tax Act
Wayne J. Gaudet
First Reading July 5, 2006

Bill No. 38 An Act to Amend Chapter 23 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Assessment Act
Percy Paris
(Waverly-Fall River-Beaver Bank)
First Reading July 6, 2006

Bill No. 39 An Act to Ensure a Right of Way for the Beechville Baptist Church to Lovett Lake for Baptisms
Keith Colwell
First Reading July 6, 2006

Bill No. 40 An Act to Amend Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2000, the Employment Support and Income Assistance Act
Trevor Zinck
(Dartmouth North)
First Reading July 6, 2006

Bill No. 41 An Act to Exempt the Kingston Food Bank from Municipal Taxation in the County of Kings
Leo Glavine
(Kings West)
First Reading July 6, 2006
Second Reading July 7, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee November 1, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 9, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 42 An Act to Amend Chapter 18 of the Acts of 1998, the Municipal Government Act
Keith Colwell
First Reading July 6, 2006

Bill No. 43 An Act to Assist in the Retention of Doctors in Nova Scotia
Leonard Preyra
(Halifax Citadel)
First Reading July 7, 2006

Bill No. 44 An Act to Amend Chapter 380 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Public Utilities Act
Michel Samson
First Reading July 7, 2006

Bill No. 45 An Act to Amend Chapter 246 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Labour Standards Code
The Hon. Mark Parent
Minister of Environment and Labour
First Reading July 10, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 11, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 12, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement July 19, 2006
2006 Statutes
Chapter 10

Bill No. 46 An Act to Amend Chapter 147 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Energy Resources Conservation Act
Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading July 10, 2006

Bill No. 47 An Act to Amend Chapter 1 (1992 Supplement) of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the House of Assembly Act
The Hon. Michael G. Baker, Q.C.
Government House Leader
First Reading July 10, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading July 11, 2006
Law Amendments Committee July 12, 2006
Committee of the Whole House July 13, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement August 3, 2006
2006 Statutes
Chapter 9

Bill No. 48 An Act to Amend Chapter 23 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Assessment Act
Percy Paris
(Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank)
First Reading July 10, 2006

Bill No. 49 An Act to Set Criteria for Prioritizing Road Improvement Projects
Charlie Parker
(Pictou West)
First Reading July 11, 2006

Bill No. 50 An Act to Amend Chapter 293 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Motor Vehicle Act
Keith Colwell
First Reading July 11, 2006

Bill No. 51An Act to Amend Chapter 10 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Workers' Compensation Act
Leo Glavine
(Kings West)
First Reading July 11, 2006

Bill No. 52 An Act to Amend Chapter 199 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Heritage Property Act
Harold Theriault, Jr.
First Reading July 11, 2006

Bill No. 53 An Act to Amend Chapter 120 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Day Care Act
Trevor Zinck
(Dartmouth North)
First Reading July 12, 2006

Bill No. 54 An Act to Amend Chapter 27 of the Acts of 1998, the Wilderness Areas Protection Act
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading July 12, 2006

Bill No. 55 An Act to Amend Chapter 371 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Public Highways Act
Leo Glavine
(Kings West)
First Reading July 12, 2006

Bill No. 56 An Act to Amend Chapter 179 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Forests Act
Clarrie MacKinnon
(Pictou East)
First Reading July 13, 2006

Bill No. 57 An Act to Provide for Defraying Certain Charges and Expenses of the Public Service of the Province
The Hon. Michael G. Baker, Q.C.
Minister of Finance
First Reading July 14, 2006
Second Reading July 14, 2006
Third Reading July 14, 2006
Royal Assent July 14, 2006
Commencement April 1, 2006
2006 Statutes
Chapter 1

Bill No. 58 An Act Respecting the Administration of Justice
The Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading October 30, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 6, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 8, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 17, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 59 An Act to Amend Chapter 402 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act
Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading October 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)

Bill No. 60 An Act Respecting the Holiday Closing of Retail Businesses
Michel Samson
First Reading October 30, 2006

Bill No. 61 An Act Amend Chapter 293 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Motor Vehicle Act
The Hon. Angus MacIsaac
Minister of Transportation and Public Works
First Reading October 30, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 20, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 62 An Act to Amend Chapter 14 of the Acts of 1993, the Tobacco Access Act*
The Hon. Barry Barnet
Minister of Health Promotion and Protection
First Reading October 31, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 2, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006; November 8, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 17, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 63 An Act to Establish a Board to Distribute to Charities One Half of the Profits From the Sydney Casino
H. David Wilson
(Glace Bay)
First Reading October 31, 2006

Bill No. 64 An Act to Provide Access to Defibrillators
H. David Wilson
(Glace Bay)
First Reading October 31, 2006

Bill No. 65 An Act to Establish Joseph Howe Day
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading October 31, 2006

Bill No. 66 An Act Respecting the Enhancement of School Libraries
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading October 31, 2006

Bill No. 67 An Act to Amend Chapter 1 of the Acts of 2003, the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act*
The Hon. Karen Casey
Minister of Education
First Reading November 1, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 9, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 14, 2006; November 16, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 20, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 68 An Act to Amend Chapter 340 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Pension Benefits Act*
Michel Samson
First Reading November 1, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 10, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006; November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 69 An Act to Amend Chapter 6 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Maintenance Enforcement Act*
Michel Samson
First Reading November 1, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 10, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 70 An Act to Declare the Brook Trout to be the Provincial Fish of Nova Scotia
Keith Colwell
First Reading November 1, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 10, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 71 An Act to Amend Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1995-96, the Education Act
Leo Glavine
(Kings West)
First Reading November 1, 2006

Bill No. 72 An Act to Amend Chapter 55 of the Acts of 1963, the Halifax Regional Water Commission Act
The Hon. Barry Barnet
(Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville)
First Reading November 2, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 6, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 73 An Act Respecting the Protection and Portability of Health Insurance
Michele Raymond
(Halifax Atlantic)
First Reading November 2, 2006

Bill No. 74 An Act to Establish a Committee to Develop a Poverty Reduction Strategy in Nova Scotia
Stephen McNeil
First Reading November 2, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)

Bill No. 75 An Act to Amend Chapter 418 of the Revised Statutes, 1989,the Securities Act*
The Hon. Michael G. Baker, Q.C.
Minister responsible for the Securities Act
First Reading November 2, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 3, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 7, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 14, 2006
Third Reading November 17, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 76 An Act Respecting the Digby Rock Quarry and North Mountain Mining
Harold Theriault, Jr.
First Reading November 2, 2006

Bill No. 77 An Act Respecting the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches
The Hon. Mark Parent (Kings North)
First Reading November 2, 2006
Second Reading November 9, 2006

Bill No. 78 An Act to Amend Chapter 9 of the Acts of 2001, the Order of Nova Scotia Act
Wayne J. Gaudet (Clare)
First Reading November 3, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 16, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 79 An Act to Re-establish the Nova Scotia Arts Council
Stephen McNeil (Annapolis)
First Reading November 3, 2006

Bill No. 80 An Act to Protect the Civilian Employment of Members of the Canadian Forces Reserves*
Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading November 6, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 16, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006; November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 81 An Act to Amend Chapter 246 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Labour Standards Code, to Provide Employees a Longer Weekly Period of Rest
Keith Colwell
First Reading November 6, 2006

Bill No. 82 An Act to Amend Chapter 7 of the Acts of 1996, the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Maureen MacDoanald
(Halifax Needham)
First Reading November 6, 2006

Bill No. 83 An Act to Amend Chapter 246 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Labour Standards Code,to Provide Employees with a Rest or Eating Break*
Keith Colwell
First Reading November 6, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 16, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 84 An Act Respecting the Municipal Taxation of Wind Turbine Facilities
Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading November 6, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 9, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 14, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 17, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 85 An Act Respecting the Transfer of Assets and Liabilities of the Nova Scotia Freemasons' Home to The Masonic Foundation of Nova Scotia
Hon. Jamie Muir
(Truro - Bible Hill)
First Reading November 6, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 9, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee November 23, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 86 An Act to Amend Chapter 293 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Motor Vehicle Act
Keith Colwell
First Reading November 7, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 16, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 87 An Act to Amend Chapter 92 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Consumer Protection Act
The Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading November 7, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 14, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 16, 2006; November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 88 An Act Respecting the Taxation of Stora Enso Port Hawkesbury Limited by the Municipality of the County of Richmond
Michel Samson
First Reading November 7, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 9, 2006
Private and Local Bills Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 89 An Act to Amend Chapter 238 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Provincial Court Act*
The Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading November 8, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 14, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 16, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 20, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 90 An Act to Amend Chapter 371 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Public Highways Act
Charlie Parker
Pictou West
First Reading November 8, 2006

Bill No. 91 An Act to Amend Chapter 475 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Trade Union Act*
Manning MacDonald
(Cape Breton South)
First Reading November 8, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 14, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 16, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 17, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 92 An Act to Amend Chapter 23 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Assessment Act*
The Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading November 8, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 14, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 16, 2006; November 20, 2006; November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 93 An Act to Amend Chapter 449 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Student Aid Act
Leo Glavine
(Kings West)
First Reading November 8, 2006

Bill No. 94 An Act to Establish the Property Valuation Services Corporation*
The Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading November 9, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 14, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 16, 2006; November 20, 2006; November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 95 An Act to Amend Chapter 18 of the Acts of 1998, the Municipal Government Act
The Hon. Jamie Muir
Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
First Reading November 9, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 17, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 96 An Act to Repeal Chapter 11 of the Acts of 2005, the Petroleum Products Pricing Act
Michel Samson
First Reading November 9, 2006

Bill No. 97 An Act to Amend Chapter 6 of the Acts of 2000, the Health Authorities Act
Joan Massey
(Dartmouth East)
First Reading November 9, 2006

Bill No. 98 An Act to Amend Chapter 17 of the Acts of 1995-96, the Revenue Act
Percy Paris
(Waverly - Fall River - Beaver Bank)
First Reading November 9, 2006

Bill No. 99 An Act to Amend Chapter 6 of the Acts of 2000, the Health Authorities Act
H. David Wilson
(Glace Bay)
First Reading November 9, 2006

Bill No. 100 An Act to Amend Chapter 21 of the Acts of 1990, the Public Prosecutions Act
Darrell Dexter
(Cole Harbour)
First Reading November 10, 2006

Bill No. 101 An Act to Amend Chapter 5 of the Acts of 1993, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to Restrict the Payment of Fees
Michel Samson
First Reading November 10, 2006

Bill No. 102 An Act to Authorize the Village of Pugwash to Make Grants or Contributions to Certain Organizations
The Hon. Ernest L. Fage
(Cumberland North)
First Reading November 10, 2006
Second Reading November 14, 2006

Bill No. 103 An Act to Recognize the Central Role of the Arts in Nova Scotia by Re-establishing an Arms-length Arts Council
Joan Massey
(Dartmouth East)
First Reading November 10, 2006

Bill No. 104 An Act to Amend Chapter 5 of the Acts of 1993, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, to Prohibit the Disclosure of the Identity of an Applicant for Information
Michel Samson
First Reading November 10, 2006

Bill No. 105 An Act to Authorize the Village of Pugwash to Make a Capital Grant to the Pugwash District Volunteer Fire Department
The Hon. Ernest L. Fage
(Cumberland North)
First Reading November 10, 2006
Second Reading November 14, 2006

Bill No. 106 An Act to Ensure Fairness in Fees Collected by the Government of Nova Scotia
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading November 10, 2006

Bill No. 107 An Act Respecting Midwifery*
The Hon. Chris d'Entremont
Minister of Health
First Reading November 15, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 16, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006; November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 108 An Act to Amend Chapter 475 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Trade Union Act, Respecting First-contract Arbitration
Maureen MacDonald
(Halifax Needham)
First Reading November 15, 2006

Bill No. 109 An Act to Amend Chapter 7 of the Acts of 1996, the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Manning MacDonald
(Cape Breton South)
First Reading November 15, 2006

Bill No. 110 An Act to Amend Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Environment Act
Marilyn More
(Dartmouth South-Portland Valley)
First Reading November 15, 2006

Bill No. 111 An Act to Amend Chapter 222 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Industrial Development Act
Manning MacDonald
(Cape Breton South)
First Reading November 15, 2006

Bill No. 112 An Act Respecting the Establishment of a Domestic Violence Prevention Committee in Nova Scotia
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading November 15, 2006

Bill No. 113 An Act to Amend Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Environment Act
Hon. Mark Parent
Minister of Environment and Labour
First Reading November 15, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 16, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 20, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 114 An Act to Amend Chapter 148 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Engineering Profession Act
The Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading November 16, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 17, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 115 An Act Respecting the Practice of Architecture*
The Hon. Murray K. Scott
Minister of Justice
First Reading November 16, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 17, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 116 An Act Respecting the Appointment and Duties of a Commissioner to Ensure the Fair Access to Regulated Professions
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading November 16, 2006

Bill No. 117 An Act to Amend Chapter 4 of the Acts of 1991, the Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act
The Hon. Michael G. Baker, Q.C
Government House Leader
First Reading November 17, 2006
( Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 22, 2006

Bill No. 118 An Act to Amend Chapter 217 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Income Tax Act
Diana Whalen
(Halifax Clayton Park)
First Reading November 17, 2006

Bill No. 119 An Act to Amend Chapter 140 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Elections Act
The Hon. Michael G. Baker, Q.C
Government House Leader
First Reading November 17, 2006
(Second Reading Debates)
Second Reading November 21, 2006
Law Amendments Committee November 22, 2006
Committee of the Whole House November 23, 2006
Third Reading November 23, 2006
Royal Assent November 23, 2006

Bill No. 120 An Act to Amend Chapter 293 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Motor Vehicle Act
Stephen McNeil
First Reading November 17, 2006

Bill No. 121 An Act to Amend Chapter 130 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Disabled Persons' Commission Act
Stephen McNeil
First Reading November 21, 2006

Bill No. 122 An Act Respecting the Lands of St. Paul's United Church of Blue Rocks
The Hon. Michael G. Baker, Q.C.
(Lunenburg )
First Reading November 22, 2006

Bill No. 123 An Act to Establish a Commission Respecting the Heritage of Nova Scotia's Capital
Howard Epstein
(Halifax Chebucto)
First Reading November 22, 2006

Explanation of Progress of Bills
Final Status of Bills for 3rd Session, 56th General Assembly, 1995-96
Final Status of Bills for 4th Session, 56th General Assembly, 1996
Final Status of Bills for 5th Session, 56th General Assembly, 1997
Final Status of Bills for 6th Session, 56th General Assembly, Fall 1997
Final Status of Bills for 1st Session, 57th General Assembly, 1998-99
Final Status of Bills for 1st Session, 58th General Assembly, 1999-00
Final Status of Bills for 2nd Session, 58th General Assembly, 2001-02
Final Status of Bills for 3rd Session, 58th General Assembly, 2003
Final Status of Bills for 1st Session, 59th General Assembly, 2003-2006
Final Status of Bills for 2nd Session, 59th General Assembly, 2006

Subscription Information
A subscription to the bills is available for $200.00 plus HST from: Office of the Speaker
P.O. Box 1617
Halifax, NS B3J 2Y3
or (902) 424-4478

A subscription provides a printed copy of all bills as introduced and a printed copy of those bills receiving Royal Assent as amended by the House of Assembly. Since the Government Bookstore has closed, printed copies of individual bills are available by mail from Government Publications, P.O. Box 637, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2T3; or by calling (902) 424-7580 or (toll-free within Nova Scotia) (800) 526-6575; Fax: (902) 424-5599; or by e-mail:

Last updated: November 24, 2006

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