House of Assembly
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House of Assembly


There are 52 seats in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. The June 13, 2006 general election divided these seats as follows:

Progressive Conservatives  23
New Democrats  20
Liberals  9

To the left are links to a photograph and seating plan of the Legislative Chamber, information on the various officials and offices associated with the Assembly and the rules governing procedure in the House of Assembly.

Learn about the Legislature and House of Assembly in:

The Nova Scotia Legislature : An Overview of its Procedures and Practices   


The Speaker welcomes visitors to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly and asks that the following rules be observed while in the galleries:

  • No one may lean over the rail or place articles on the rail
  • Visitors must abstain from applause or making any
    interruptions or disturbances, expressing approval
    or disapproval of proceedings
  • Photographs or recordings are not permitted

Since November 1993, visitors have been permitted to take notes during Legislature debates.

Last updated: June 29, 2006

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