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Day Care Spaces Won't Meet Demand

Today’s government announcement that it is adding 150 new portable day care spaces doesn’t even come close to meeting the number that is needed for Nova Scotian families, says Liberal Community Services Critic Stephen McNeil.

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Glavine Calls for Province-Wide Mandate on Mandatory Retirements

The Education Critic for the Liberal Caucus says the government needs to immediately implement a province-wide policy on mandatory retirements for teachers, clerical and maintenance personnel.

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Liberals Pleased Government Adopting Policy

The Liberal Caucus applauds the Conservative government adoption of another Liberal initiative, says Liberal Community Services and Agriculture Critic Stephen McNeil.

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Liberals Want Government to Show Leadership on LNG Facility

Liberal Interim Leader and Energy Critic Michel Samson is calling on the government to take a leadership role to help find suppliers for the Bear Head LNG facility in Point Tupper, Richmond County.

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Liberals Support Tobeatic Management Plan

The Liberal Caucus is in support of the Tobeatic Wilderness Area Management Plan, says Liberal Natural Resources Critic Leo Glavine.

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Liberals Announce New Chief of Staff

Liberal Caucus Chair Dave Wilson is today announcing the appointment of Nancy Sheppard to the position of Chief of Staff for the Liberal Caucus Office.

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Samson Addressed UARB on Gas Regulation

Interim Liberal Leader Michel Samson made a presentation before the Utility and Review Board this morning on the issue of gas regulation. Although the Liberal Caucus is against regulating gas prices in Nova Scotia, Samson felt compelled to give the Caucus’ opinion about the current system in place to the board.

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Government Should Explore All Options to Keep Bay Ferries In Operation

MLA for Digby-Annapolis, Harold Theriault wants to know why the government is shutting out an offer from a Toronto based company to maintain a Ferry service between Digby and Saint John NB.

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Province Should Be Using Interrupter Clause to Lower Gas Prices

Interim Liberal Leader Michel Samson is calling on the government to use its interrupter clause to lower gas prices mid-stream. Both Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland have lowered their prices significantly since yesterday. Prince Edward Island lowered its prices by 5.4 cents per litre, and Newfoundland by roughly 6 cents per litre.

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Liberals Call for Emergency Meeting on Digby Ferry service

The future of the Digby ferry service between Digby and Saint John, New Brunswick will be debated during tomorrow’s emergency meeting of the legislature’s Economic Development Committee, which was called by the Liberal Caucus.

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Whalen Urges Government to Bring Back "Keep the Heat"

Liberal Service Nova Scotia Critic Diana Whalen is urging the provincial government to re-instate the Keep the Heat Program for low income Nova Scotians. With a forecasted surplus of 75 million dollars, Whalen believes it would be irresponsible of the Tories not to give financial help to those who need it most during the winter months.

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Province Taking a Step Back in Recycling

Liberal Environment Critic Keith Colwell believes the environment will pay the price for the decision by the province’s Resource Recovery Fund Board to stop paying a subsidy to recyclers for newsprint and cardboard.

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Most Important Tourism Month a Flop

Tourism figures released today from the Department of Tourism clearly indicate that one of the most important industries in the province is in trouble, says Liberal Tourism Critic Stephen McNeil.

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Nova Scotia Students Still Facing Highest Tuition in Canada

Statistics Canada’s report showing Nova Scotia’s university students pay the highest tuition in Canada does not surprise Liberal Education Critic Leo Glavine.

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Low-Income Pharmacare Still a Work in Progress

Liberal Community Services Critic Stephen McNeil welcomed today’s announcement of a pharmacare program for children living in low-income families but is urging the minister to elaborate on all details of the program.

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Poll Shows the Majority of Nova Scotians Don't Want Gas Regulation

A poll conducted for the Liberal Caucus shows two-thirds (66 per cent) of Nova Scotians are opposed to gas price regulation.

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Students Now Funding Universities More than Government

Students are funding the operating costs at most of the province’s universities at a higher rate than the government, says Liberal Education Critic Leo Glavine.

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Where are the DHA's Business Plans?

Once again the Department of Health is failing to meet its own deadlines and those recommended by the Auditor General in approving DHA business plans, says Liberal Health Critic Dave Wilson.

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Timing of HST Removal on Home Heat Doesn't Make Sense

Interim Liberal Leader Michel Samson is calling on the government to push forward its date to remove the HST off home heat to October 1, 2006 from January 1, 2007.

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Government Shoult Assist Farmers with Hog-Wasting Disease

Kings West Liberal MLA Leo Glavine is calling on the government to support the province’s hog farmers as they deal with a disease that is reducing their herds by up to 40 per cent.

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Department's System to Track Tourism Inadequate

The department of tourism has no system in place to adequately track the number of tourists coming to the province, says Liberal Tourism Critic Stephen McNeil.

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Liberals Continue to Fight for Competitive Gas Pricing

Interim Liberal Leader Michel Samson is pleased the government used the interrupter clause to lower gas prices today, but wonders how long Nova Scotians have been paying too much for gas.

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NSLC Promotion Not Responsible

Liberal Liquor Corporation Critic Keith Colwell is questioning the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation’s new promotion that encourages customers to use their credit card when purchasing liquor.

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Government Cashing in on High Price at the Pumps

Interim Liberal Leader Michel Samson is calling on the Conservative government to lower the motive fuel tax to ease the pain consumers are feeling at the pumps. Samson is also calling on the NDP to support this move.

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Conservatives Being Short-Sighted on Digby Quarry Project

Digby-Annapolis Liberal MLA Harold Theriault wants the Conservative government to re-think its support of a proposed quarry in Digby Neck because it will have negative affects on the area.

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Signage on 104 Ignores South Shore and Valley

The Conservative government has completely stopped trying to find a solution to the frequent emergency room closures that plague the Glace Bay Hospital, and others throughout the province, says Liberal Health Critic Dave Wilson.

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ER Closures Need to be Permanently Addressed

Annapolis Liberal MLA Stephen McNeil wants the minister of transportation to address inadequate signage along Highway 104 that fails to tell motorists of a vital link to the South Shore and Valley.

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Liberal Caucus Receives New Assignments

Liberal Leader Michel Samson announced today several new assignments for members of the Liberal caucus.

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Samson Reacts to Cabinet Appointments

Liberal Leader Michel Samson is pleased to see that the Conservative Government agrees with the liberal idea to give seniors a dedicated voice at the cabinet table by its plans to form a separate Ministry of Seniors.

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Liberals Want UARB to Hear NSPI Rate Hearing in August

Nova Scotia Liberal Leader Michel Samson is calling on the minister of justice to instruct UARB to holdr NSPI’s hearing for its Extra Large Industrial Interruptible Rate (ELIIR) in August, one month before the date set today by the regulator.

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Liberals Pick Interim Leader

Nova Scotia Liberal Caucus Chair Dave Wilson announced today that Richmond MLA Michel Samson will serve as the party's interim leader until a leadership convention is held.

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Liberals Ready to Work

Liberal Caucus Chair Dave Wilson would like to congratulate all the Veteran Liberals who will be returning to the Nova Scotia Legislature.

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