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Cabinet of the Province of Nova Scotia


The Honourable Ernest Fage 

Ernest Fage Minister of Human Resources
Minister responsible for the Public Service Commission
Minister of Emergency Management
MLA for Cumberland North


August 15, 1953 in Amherst.


Graduate of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, major in chemistry.

Employment History

With brother Stephen, owns Fage Farms Ltd. in Hastings and Nappan, producer of milk and beef, as well as wheat, barley and forage for export. The brothers also run a small woodlot and have real estate interests. They and their families won the John Van Vulpen Memorial Award in 1991 for outstanding achievement in agriculture and community service.

Political Career

First elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1997 by-election; re-elected in March 1998, July 1999, August 2003 and June 2006. Cabinet duties have included Minister of Energy, Minister of Natural Resources, Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Minister of Economic Development, Minister responsible for Nova Scotia Business Incorporated, 

Minister responsible for the Innovation Corporation Act, Minister responsible for Communications Nova Scotia, Minister responsible for the Emergency Measures Act, Minister responsible for the Liquor Control Act and Minister responsible for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation.

Community Involvement

Former vice president of the Nova Scotia Milk Producers' Association, former member of the Nova Scotia Dairy Commission, Nova Scotia signatory of the National Dairy Plan. Past president of the Amherst and Area Chamber of Commerce, former member of the Nova Scotia and Atlantic chambers of commerce, member of the Trinity St. Stephen's United Church Council.


Married to Elaine Fage; three children.


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