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Cabinet of the Province of Nova Scotia


The Honourable Richard Hurlburt

Richard Hurlburt Minister of Economic Development
Minister responsible for Nova Scotia Business Incorporated
Minister responsible for the Innovation Corporation Act
MLA for Yarmouth


April 25, 1950 in Carleton.


G.E.D. (grade 12); degree in business administration.

Employment History

From 1976-1999, owned and operated R. Hurlburt Construction Ltd.

Political Career

Municipal councillor for 11 years, five years as warden of Yarmouth County. Served on numerous boards and commissions in health care, recreation, finance and regional development. First elected to the Legislative Assembly in July 1999, re-elected in August 2003 and June 2006. Cabinet duties have included: Minister of Natural Resources, Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations and Minister responsible for the Residential Tenancies Act.

Community Involvement

Former deputy governor of the Kinsmen Clubs of Nova Scotia.


Wife Nancy, three children and one stepchild.


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