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Cabinet of the Province of Nova Scotia


The Honourable Rodney MacDonald

Rodney MacDonald Premier
President of the Executive Council
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
MLA for Inverness


Jan. 2, 1972 in Inverness.


Bachelor of science in physical education, St. Francis Xavier University.

Employment History

Teacher of Atlantic Studies and physical education for the Strait Regional School Board.
Mr. MacDonald is a professional musician. He has played the fiddle in performances throughout Atlantic Canada, Central Canada, the eastern United States and Europe. He was nominated for an East Coast Music Award in 1998 and has released two compact discs.

Political Career

First elected to Legislative Assembly in July 1999; re-elected August 2003 and June 2006. Cabinet duties have included Minister of: Tourism, Culture and Heritage, Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Immigration; Minister responsible for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, the Nova Scotia Sports and Recreation Commission and administration of the Heritage Property Act.  He became leader of the Progressive Conservative Party in 2006 and Premier on February 24, 2006.


Married to Lori-Ann (Gillis) MacDonald; one son.


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