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Cabinet of the Province of Nova Scotia


The Honourable Mark Parent

Mark Parent Minister of Environment and Labour
Minister responsible for Part II of the Gaming Control Act
Minister responsible for the Workers' Compensation Act (except Part II)
MLA for Kings North


Aug. 25, 1954. Port Williams


Bachelor of arts, York University; master's degree of divinity, Acadia Divinity College; doctor of philosophy, McGill University

Employment History

Served in Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia churches; returned to native Kings County in 1994 to become pastor of the Pereaux United Baptist Church. Taught at Mount Allison and Mount Saint Vincent University. Written two books, four academic journal articles and numerous columns for periodicals and daily newspapers.

Political Career

First elected to the House of Assembly in July 1999; re-elected in August 2003 and June 2006. Mark has served as the vice-chair of the standing committee on community services, a member of economic development and public accounts.

Community Involvement

Rotary Club of Kentville and the Canning and Area Lions Club.


Married to Margie Jenkins and has three grown children.


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