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Cabinet of the Province of Nova Scotia


The Honourable Judy Streatch

Judy Streatch Minister of Community Services
Minister responsible for the Disabled Persons' Commission Act
MLA for Chester-St. Margaret's


October 6, 1966


Arts degree in French and English from Saint Mary’s University, teaching certificate from Nova Scotia Teachers College in Truro, a diploma in French from L’Université du Québec à Trois Riviéres.

Employment History

Worked as an educator for more than 15 years. She was a high school French immersion teacher at Forest Heights Community School, and was previously employed with the Halifax Regional School Board.

Political Career

First elected to the Legislative Assembly in a by-election on June 21, 2005 and re-elected in June 2006. She has been Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage, Minister responsible for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, Minister responsible for the Liquor Control Act, Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women and Minister responsible for the Heritage Property Act.

Community Involvement

Actively involved in 4H and sports as a volunteer; lifelong member of St. Andrew’s United Church in Elderbank.


Judy has four children and lives with her partner, Gerald Keddy, and his two sons in New Ross.

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