Members of the Legislative Assembly
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Alphabetical Directory of Members



The Members of the Legislative Assembly are listed below.

Bain, Keith PC Victoria-The Lakes
Baker, Michael PC Lunenburg
Barnet, Barry PC Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville
Belliveau, Sterling NDP Shelburne 
Bolivar-Getson, Carolyn PC Lunenburg West
Casey, Karen PC Colchester North 
Chisholm, Ronald PC Guysborough-Sheet Harbour
Clarke, Cecil PC Cape Breton North
Colwell, Keith L Preston 
Conrad, Vicki  NDP Queens 
Corbett, Frank NDP Cape Breton Centre
d'Entremont, Chris A. PC Argyle
Deveaux, Kevin NDP Cole Harbour - Eastern Passage
Dexter, Darrell NDP Cole Harbour
Dooks, Bill PC Eastern Shore
Dunn, Pat PC Pictou Centre
Epstein, Howard NDP Halifax Chebucto
Estabrooks, Bill NDP Timberlea - Prospect
Fage, Ernest  PC Cumberland North 
Gaudet, Wayne L Clare
Glavine, Leo L Kings West
Gosse, Gordie NDP Cape Breton Nova
Goucher, Len PC Bedford
Hurlburt, Richard PC Yarmouth
MacDonald, Manning L Cape Breton South
MacDonald, Maureen NDP Halifax Needham 
MacDonald, Rodney J. PC Inverness
MacDonell, John NDP Hants East
MacIsaac, Angus  PC Antigonish
MacKinnon, Clarrie  NDP Pictou East
MacLeod, Alfie  PC Cape Breton West
Massey, Joan NDP Dartmouth East
McNeil, Stephen L Annapolis
More, Marilyn NDP Dartmouth South-Portland Valley
Morse, David PC Kings South
Muir, Jamie PC Truro - Bible Hill
Parent, Mark PC Kings North
Parker, Charlie  NDP Pictou West
Paris, Percy NDP Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank
Porter, Chuck PC Hants West
Preyra, Leonard NDP Halifax Citadel
Raymond, Michele NDP Halifax Atlantic
Samson, Michel L Richmond
Scott, Murray PC Cumberland South
Steele, Graham NDP Halifax Fairview
Streatch, Judy PC Chester-St. Margaret's
Taylor, Brooke PC Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley
Theriault, Harold Jr. L Digby-Annapolis
Whalen, Diana L Halifax Clayton Park
Wilson, Dave NDP Sackville-Cobequid 
Wilson, David L Glace Bay
Zinck, Trevor NDP Dartmouth North

Last Updated: June 29, 2006

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