Joint Career Transition Committee
Distinction 2000 Awards
Head of the Public Service Awards
Contact Us
Canada Site
About Us
This Career Opportunities site was developed by the Joint Career Transition Committee (JCTC) in the National Capital Region, in partnership with Environment Canada - Atlantic Region, The Leadership Network and the IM/IT Community (TBS) on behalf of functional communities.

It is designed to assist federal employees in career transition by facilitating inter-organizational mobility and placement - one of the key areas of the JCTC mandate.

Inter-jurisdictional Assignments

The Career Opportunities site is currently available to managers and employees of the Federal Public Service, including departments and agencies listed under PSSRA Schedule I, Parts I and II, and some crown corporations.

For inter-jurisdictional assignments, i.e., those between a PSSRA Schedule I, Part I department or agency and any other entity (PSSRA Schedule I, Part II; other governments; private industry; unions; academic institutions; non-profit organizations; etc.) the Interchange Canada Policy applies as it is the only federal vehicle approved for this purpose. Click on the following links to view the Interchange Canada Policy or the Public Service Staff Relations Act.

Whether the assignment/secondment is between federal government departments or inter-jurisdictional (as outlined above), the participants/managers negotiating agreements must adhere to all relevant policies and guidelines that apply within their own organizations.
The JCTC is a national joint labour-management process established under the Work Force Adjustment Directive. Its purpose is to contribute to the positive transformation of the federal public service and to foster the development of a skilled, proud, adaptive and representative work force.
System Hardware and Software

Dell PowerEdge 1650

Operating System:
RedHat Linux release 9

Web Server:
Apache 2.0.40

CGI Language:
Perl 5.8.0

Perl Libraries used:

Database Software:
MySQL 3.23.58

The database contains 9 tables with a current total of 19 MB of data.


Static pages are created in HTML. There are approx. 30 static pages, although these pages do use Server Side Includes to load and display elements common to all pages.

The rest of the web site consists of templates modified by the CGI scripts. There are 26 templates used by the program. Most templates contain user-entry forms; validation is done on the client side using Javascript.

The program itself consists of 40 different scripts with a total of 16,359 lines of code, not including data files.


The COS is operated outside the Environment Canada fire wall over a commercially provided fiber 3Mbit broadband Full Duplex Internet facility shared with Environment Canada operations in Halifax.

  Updated: 2004-07-21, 18:42 Top of Page Important Notices