Joint Career Transition Committee
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Résumé Builder
Opportunity Ferret
Current Résumés
Post Opportunities
Résumé Ferret

View a complete listing of the opportunities available.

This page shows a list of all opportunities currently saved in the database, and for which the closing date has not yet passed. The list is sorted according to Category (the default), Province, Department or Classification. Within each grouping the list will be sorted by Group and Level. To change the sort order, select one of the sort options at the top of the page by clicking on it.

An individual opportunity posting displays the work location, classification, a brief description, and the language (French or English) in which the opportunity is available. To view a full description of the opportunity, click on the magnifying glass icon on the far right.

NOTE: If you are logged into the system when you view an opportunity, the system will remember it for you. To mark a job you have looked at in the past, the view button will be highlighted in orange.

Résumé Builder
Create a résumé and save it in the database.

To use the Résumé Builder, you must first have an Employee account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password before continuing to the Résumé Builder Tool. If you do not have an Employee account, click on the 'new EMPLOYEE account' link at the top of the page.

NOTE: Users with Manager accounts can use their existing account to create a résumé.

Once you have logged in, the Résumé Builder Tool will present you with a number of options. If you do not have a résumé saved, the first option will be to CREATE A RÉSUMÉ. Other options include DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT, CHANGE ACCOUNT INFORMATION, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD, and SIGN OUT.

If you already have a résumé saved in the system, you will have these additional options: EDIT YOUR RÉSUMÉ (replaces CREATE A RÉSUMÉ), VIEW RÉSUMÉ, and DELETE YOUR RÉSUMÉ (replaces DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT).

In addition, a table containing some information about your résumé will appear at the top of the page. This table will include your résumé ID, the 'headline' you entered for your résumé, the creation date, the date of your last update, your résumé's status (whether or not it is viewable by managers), and the number of times a manager has looked at your résumé.

Activating Your Résumé

In order for managers to be able to view your résumé, you must specify that your information is ready to be displayed. At the bottom of the résumé form is a checkbox. If this checkbox is not checked, the information you enter will be saved, but will not be viewable by managers.

NOTE: please make sure you have read and understand the text beside this checkbox before saving the information.

The following fields must be filled in before you can activate a résumé:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • City
  • Province
  • Contact Information (one of address, phone number, or email)
  • Job Interests (up to 5)
  • Substantive Classification -- Group & Level
  • Department

Your résumé will remain active for 90 days from the time it is activated, or from the time it is last updated. You will be notified by email when your résumé has been deactivated.

IMPORTANT! If there is no activity on your résumé for one full year (ie. you do not review and re-save your résumé), your résumé will be deleted!

Opportunity Ferret
Perform searches on the opportunities available.

To use the Opportunity Ferret, you must first have an Employee account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password before continuing to the Opportunity Ferret. If you do not have an Employee account, click on the 'new EMPLOYEE account' link at the top of the page.

NOTE: Users with Manager accounts can use their existing account to use the Opportunity Ferret.

Once you have logged in, the Opportunity Ferret can be used to search through the list of opportunities using specific criteria. Any selection you make on the form will narrow your search scope (ie. if you select a province and a department, both selections must be satisfied for the opportunity to be listed). If you click on the SEARCH button, the results of your search will be displayed immediately.

Below this is a section which allows you to save your search criteria. Select the days of the week on which you would like to have the search performed. Click on the SUBMIT button to save this information. On the days you selected, this search will be automatically performed by the database, and any results will be emailed to you.

Current Résumés
View a complete listing of résumés.

To use the Current Résumés Tool, you must first have a Manager account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password before continuing to the Current Résumés. If you do not have a Manager account, click on the 'new MANAGER account' link at the top of the page, or click on the Registration link on the Side Menu.

This page shows a list of all active résumés currently saved in the database. The list is sorted according to Province (the default), Department or Classification, or Most Recent (all résumés modified or created within the last 14 days). Within each grouping the list will be sorted by Group and Level. To change the sort order, select one of the sort options at the top of the page by clicking on it.

An individual listing displays the person's location, classification, and a brief description. To view the full résumé, click on the magnifying glass icon on the far right.

NOTE: Once you view a résumé, the system will remember it for you. To mark a résumé you have looked at in the past, the view button will be highlighted in orange.

Post Opportunities
Access the management tools for posting opportunities.

To use the Post Opportunities function, you must first have a Manager account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password before continuing to the Post Opportunities function. If you do not have a Manager account, click on the 'new MANAGER account' link at the top of the page, or click on the Registration link on the Side Menu.

This page will list all opportunities you have entered in the database, sorted in descending order by Closing Date. Each opportunity listed will show the Reference Number, and related information. To the right of this is shown the language of the opportunity and whether or not it is currently displayed. At the far right are controls which allow you to Edit, Delete or View the position.

Activating An Opportunity

In order for employees to be able to view your posted opportunities, you must specify that your information is ready to be displayed. At the bottom of the opportunity form is a checkbox. If this checkbox is not checked, the information you enter will be saved, but will not be viewable by employees.

NOTE: please make sure you have read and understand the text beside this checkbox before saving the information.

The following fields must be filled in before you can activate a posted opportunity:

  • Title
  • Category *
  • Salary Range *
  • Substantive Classification -- Group & Level *
  • Department
  • City
  • Province
  • Duration
  • Language Requirement
  • Reference Number
  • Closing Date
* These are required for Job Postings and Fully Defined Learning Assignments only

Activated opportunities will remain active until the Closing Date. You will be notified by email when your posted opportunity is deactivated.

Résumé Ferret
Perform searches on the résumés in the database.

To use the Résumé Ferret, you must first have a Manager account. You will be prompted to enter your username and password before continuing to the Résumé Ferret. If you do not have a Manager account, click on the 'new MANAGER account' link at the top of the page, or click on the Registration link on the Side Menu.

Once you have logged in, the Résumé Ferret can be used to search through the list of résumés using specific criteria. Any selection you make on the form will narrow your search scope (ie. if you select a province and a department, both selections must be satisfied for the résumé to be listed). If you click on the SEARCH button, the results of your search will be displayed immediately.

Below this is a section which allows you to save your search criteria. Select the days of the week on which you would like to have the search performed. Click on the SUBMIT button to save this information. On the days you selected, this search will be automatically performed by the database, and any results will be emailed to you.

Use keywords to describe your specific requirements or areas of interest. Keywords are not case sensitive. Searching by job titles is less effective because titles can vary from department to department. When typing in your keywords, you can type in just one word or try these suggestions for using multiple keywords:

To specify words that must all appear in the search results, put 'and' between the words

 Example 1:
"publishing and editor"

To specify words any of which may appear in the search results, put 'or' between the words

 Example 2:
"publishing or editor"

To specify a word that must not appear in the search results, put 'and not' before the word

 Example 3:
"publishing and not editor"

NOTE: Anything after the 'and not' phrase will be used to exclude items from the search results

 Example 3a:
"publishing and not editor or magazine and layout"
will exclude all items with 'editor', 'magazine', or 'layout'

The search tools will look for the beginnings of words, so you can use common roots to find multiple words

 Example 4:
will return ‘publish’, ‘publishing’, ‘publisher’, etc

  Updated: 2004-07-21, 18:42 Top of Page Important Notices