Manitoba Potato News

Welcome to the Manitoba Potato News Website.
This program is sponsored by the Manitoba potato industry.

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Potato Hotline Number - 1-800-428-6866

Potato Production & Management Information
Note: This information is adapted from the publication titled Guide to Commercial Potato Production on the Canadian Prairies published by the Western Potato Council, 2003.
Potato Perspectives Newsletter

Potato Late Blight Forecast - September 26, 2006

by John Heard Pest Management Specialist

Late blight forecasting information is available for various locations throughout the province.  Forecasts are updated twice weekly and also include recommendations for late blight prevention.  This site is the place to find information on the current status of late blight in Manitoba and other neighboring locations. 

Other Disease Concerns - August 31, 2006

Early Blight, Blackleg, Early Dying and other problems can surface throughout the growing season. Check here for information on other potential problems that could impact potato production.

Aphid/Virus Weekly Report - September 26, 2006

by John Heard Pest Management Specialist

Aphid are monitored weekly throughout the growing season in fields across Manitoba. Aphid have the potential to reduce potato quality through direct impact and through spread of viruses detrimental to potato production.

Other Potato Insect Problems - August 18, 2006

Colorado Potato Beetle, wireworms, potato leafhoppers, and a range of other insects can all impact potato production. Check this section for updates for other insects.

Soil Moisture/ Crop Status - October 12, 2006

by Tom Gonsalves Potato Specialist

Moisture levels are measured under irrigated and non-irrigated sites at the Manitoba Crop Diversification Centres in Winkler, Portage, and Carberry.

What's New - November 20, 2006

by Tom Gonsalves Potato Specialist