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Agricultural Sustainability

Manitoba's farming industry has benefited from years of sustainable agriculture programming funded through the provincial and federal governments. Hundreds of projects have been carried out throughout the province by producer groups. Search our database below to review project reports. Country Road

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What is Sustainable Agriculture?
Sustainable Agriculture refers to farming practices that meet three essential needs of society:
  • creation of a healthy environment,
  • production of an ever-increasing food supply,
  • and an economically viable farming industry. >> click for more
Programs included in this Database:
Covering New Ground (CNG) - The Manitoba Agriculture Sustainability Initiative administered by Manitoba Agriculture and Food, provides funds and technical support to Manitoba producer groups and provincial commodity organizations for sustainable agriculture demonstration or technology transfer projects throughout the province. CNG focuses on projects related to sustainable crop management, livestock and forage management, and integrated pest management. >> more
The Canada-Manitoba Agreement on Agricultural Sustainabity (CMAAS) provided program funding to local and provincial farm groups and commodity organizations from 1993 - 1997. CMAAS program areas included soil resources, water quality and quantity, pollution and waste management, land conservation, pest management and wildlife habitat. >>more

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