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October, 2003

McPIQ (Manitoba Crop Performance Information Queries)

What is McPIQ On-Line?
McPIQ On-Line helps crop producers pick varieties according to their own agronomic and management requirements. Producers can receive detailed performance and descriptive information on varieties they select directly from a list, or on varieties selected according to disease resistance, maturity, herbicide tolerance, or other attributes.

Using McPIQ On-Line.
Follow the screens, step by step. If you would like to change a selection, click the BACK button to return to the appropriate screen. On most screens you will find a link entitled
McPIQ Tips/Help for this screen
—click on the link to see additional information on the use and interpretation of the screen. If you wish, you may print the final output screen by using your browser's PRINT button.

to McPIQ On-Line

Manitoba's Crop Variety Selector

Select a Crop Type

What is MCVET?
The Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team (MCVET) is responsible for Manitoba's variety testing program. MCVET's eleven members represent:
• Man. Seed Growers Assoc.
• Can. Seed Trade Assoc.
• Man. Canola Growers Assoc.
• Man. Pulse Growers Assoc.
• Univ. of Manitoba
• Agric. & Agri-Food Canada
• Man. Agriculture & Food

Where does the data come from?
Data for McPIQ is obtained from small plot trials grown annually at sites located around Manitoba. Wheat, barley, oats, canola and flax are tested each year at most sites. Fababeans, field beans, triticale, field peas, durum, sunflowers, soybeans, lentils and winter wheat are tested at fewer sites. Mustard, canaryseed and polish canola are not tested every year.

McPIQ On-Line was developed by the Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team (MCVET) with financial support from Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative (ARDI)
Call Manitoba Agriculture and Food at 204 745-5658 (Dave Campbell—MCVET Coordinator)
or email for more information.

Manitoba Crop Variety Evaluation Team (MCVET) logo

Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative


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