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Report prepared for the Government of Manitoba
by the
Livestock Stewardship Panel

Ed Tyrchniewicz, Chair    
Nick Carter    
John Whitaker

December 2000

Table of Contents

Because of the length of this document it has been divided into a series of subsections. Each one is downloadable as a PDF file. However, if you have a fast connection to the internet the complete document as one PDF file (327KB) can be Viewed or Downloaded Here.

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Title of Subsection

PDF File Size
Cover 65KB
Letter of Transmittal 47KB
Table of Contents 33KB
Preface 33KB
List of Abbreviations Used in the Report 32KB
Executive Summary 52KB
Chapter 1 - Introduction 259KB
Chapter 2 - Background 74KB
Chapter 3 - Principles For Sustainable Livestock Development 36KB
Chapter 4 - Summary of Livestock Stewardship Public Meetings 209KB
Chapter 5 -Planning For Sustainable Livestock Development 59KB
Chapter 6 - Environmental and Health Concerns 80KB
Chapter 7 - Management Issues 53KB
Chapter 8 - Socio-Economic Issues 64KB
Chapter 9 - Information Systems and Research 50KB
Chapter 10 - Synthesis and Summary of Conclusions
                       and Recommendations
Selected References 72KB
  • Appendix A - List of Presenters at Public Meetings of the Livestock Stewardship Panel
  • Appendix B - Written Submissions to Livestock Stewardship Panel
  • Appendix C - Participants in Research Round Tables
  • Appendix D - Organizations and People Visited Outside of Manitoba

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