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Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives


October 2005

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About Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

Policy and Management Division

The Policy and Management Division coordinates long-term policy and program development for Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. This Division conducts research and analysis, and provides agriculture and food statistics and industry intelligence to department staff, industry and the general public. The Division provides for the executive management, planning and control of departmental policies and programs. Policy and Management provides funding for the administration of various boards and commissions and to the University of Manitoba in support of agricultural research. The Division also provides internet and intranet home page administration and coordination, marketing and production information to the general public and staff.
Policy Analysis Branch
The Policy Analysis Branch provides research, analysis and advice on government policies that affect the agricultural sector, food products and the rural community. The Branch also provides program analysis/evaluation/facilitation/secretariat/technical services and management support documents that enhance the economy and effectiveness of the Department’s programs and activities.

The Policy Analysis Branch’s activities include: providing program input and leadership for the Department's internet home page; leadership and coordination of the Department’s Young Farmers Newsletter, the Young Farmers website and the Succeeding Generations Initiative to assist young and beginning producers while addressing the income need of retiring farmers; providing policy advice involving the Agricultural Policy Framework and central coordination for its implementation; representing the Province of Manitoba on federal/provincial and international committees examining and influencing national and international agricultural, food and rural policies and programs.
Boards, Commissions and Legislation
The Boards, Commissions and Legislation Branch provides staff support to the Farm Products Marketing Council, the Farm Machinery Board, the Milk Prices Review Commission, the Agricultural Producers’ Organization Certification Agency, and the Farm Practices Protection Board. The Branch conducts the program delivery functions set out in The Family Farm Protection Act and The Farm Lands Ownership Act. 

The Manitoba Farm Mediation Board administers The Family Farm Protection Act to help farmers protect and sustain their agricultural operations through difficult economic times. The board receives applications from both producers and lenders for assistance in resolving financial difficulties of certain farmers. In addition, the Board administers the Special Farm Assistance Fund to assist producers with a debt burden in obtaining credit or a leaseback of property conveyed to their creditor. Through The Family Farm Protection Act, the Branch assists farmers in improving and sustaining their farming operations under difficult economic conditions through mediation with their creditors, financial counselling, and loan payment guarantees. Under The Farm Lands Ownership Act, the Branch considers applications for exemption from non-Canadians and public organizations who wish to acquire an interest in farm land in Manitoba.
Knowledge Management
The Knowledge Management Branch provides Knowledge Management leadership and encourages adoption of the science of Knowledge Management through training and support. The Branch provides agricultural statistical, marketing, production and outlook information to farmers, the agricultural industry and staff.

The Knowledge Management Branch’s activities include: integrating Knowledge Management Processes into the activities of the Department; managing and promoting the use of a knowledge warehouse; defining alternative information access methods (or multi-channel access) for the Department’s clients; and analyzing domestic and international markets for grains, oilseeds and livestock.
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