Manitoba Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
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   Business and Economics

June 1997

Guidelines for Estimating
Honey Production Costs


This guide is designed to provide planning information and a format for calculating cost of honey production for a 1,000-colony beekeeping enterprise.

It incorporates indoor wintering into its management practice and does not require package bees for annual replacement stock.

When interpreting these costs for an individual situation, adjustments may be required due to differences in management practices and facilities. Each assumption must be examined and adjusted where necessary.

This budget does not include costs beyond the production and extraction of honey. Transportation costs of honey to a wholesaler or retailer are not included in the budget.

Wax sales were taken into consideration in calculating breakeven costs.

The production costs included in this enterprise budget are not intended as a cost study of the beekeeping industry in Manitoba.

Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement.


A. OPERATING COSTS $/Colony Cost/lb Your Farm
1. Feed Costs:
1.01 Sugar Syrup $ 13.20 $ 0.0733 _________
1.02 Pollen Supplement 0.28 0.0016 _________
Total Feed Cost $ 13.48 $ 0.0749 _________
2. Other Operating Costs:
2.01 Vet. Medicine & Supplies $ 7.28 $ 0.0404 _________
2.02 Stock Replacement 3.80 0.0211 _________
2.03 Fuel 6.00 0.0333 _________
2.04 Machinery, Mtce. & Supplies 7.65 0.0425 _________
2.05 Building Mtce. & Repairs 5.40 0.0300 _________
2.06 Utilities 4.00 0.0222 _________
2.07 Barrels 4.35 0.0242 _________
2.08 Bldg. Vehicle & Liability Ins. 4.10 0.0228 _________
2.09 Small Tools, Equip. & Supplies 1.00 0.0056 _________
2.10 Memberships & Associations 1.00 0.0056 _________
2.11 Miscellaneous Costs 3.00 0.0167 _________
Subtotal Operating Costs $ 61.06 $ 0.3392 _________
2.12 Operating Interest 2.44 0.0136 _________
2.13 Wax Sales ($9.45) ($0.0525) _________
TOTAL OPERATING COSTS $ 54.05 $0.3003 _________
3. Depreciation
3.01 Buildings $ 4.96 $ 0.0276 _________
3.02 Machinery & Equipment 10.19 0.0566 _________
3.03 Hives 5.40 0.0300 _________
4. Investment
4.01 Buildings 3.78 0.0210 _________
4.02 Machinery & Equipment 4.63 0.0257 _________
4.03 Hives 3.30 0.0183 _________
4.04 Bees 4.75 0.0264 _________
TOTAL FIXED COSTS $ 37.01 $0.2056 _________
TOTAL OPERATING & FIXED COSTS $ 91.06 $0.5059 _________
C. LABOUR COSTS $ 32.00 $0.1778 _________
TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION $123.06 $0.6837 _________
TOTAL BREAKEVEN PRICE $/colony $/pound
Operating Cost $ 54.05 0.30 _________
Operating & Fixed Cost 91.06 0.51 _________
Operating, Fixed Cost & Labour 123.06 0.68 _________
Breakeven Price/lb. = Production Cost ÷ lbs. of Honey/Colony


  1. This budget outlines the cost of honey production.
  2. Wax sales were assumed @ 1.5% of honey yield @ $3.50/lb.
  3. While honey is normally marketed wholesale, this budget does not include marketing costs.
Number of Hives 1,000
Market Value per Hive (5 boxes top & bottom) $120.00
Average Number of lbs. of Honey/Colony 180 lbs
Spring Value of Bees per Colony $95.00
Number of Queens Replaced per Year 250
Cost per Replacement Queen $14.00
Number of Queen Cells Used per Year 150
Cost per Replacement Queen Cell $2.00
Sugar Syrup:
Kg of sugar/colony 20 kg
Pollen Substitute:
Amount of sugar/colony (g) 150 g
Cost per kg of Sugar $0.661/kg
Amount of soybean flour/colony (g) 150 g
Cost per kg of soybean flour $1.19/kg


1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2046 pounds (lbs.)
1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)
1 tonne (t) = 1,000 kg

For More Information, Contact Your Local Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Office.

Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following commercial beekeepers in the preparation of this worksheet.
Art Bergman
Lorne Peters
Bill Lockhart
Ted Turnbull
Steve Olnick
Budget Prepared by:
Peter Blawat, P.Ag.
Farm Management Specialist
Rheal Lafreniere,P.Ag.
Extension Apiarist
Don Dixon, P.Ag.
Provincial Apiarist

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