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December 2003

Guidelines for Estimating
Elk Velvet Bull Production Costs
Based on a 30 Head Bull Herd


This guide is designed to provide planning information and a format for calculating costs of production on a 30 elk velvet bull enterprise. The production costs included in this enterprise budget are not intended as a cost study of the elk industry in Manitoba. Adjustments will be necessary when applying these figures to your own enterprise.

The budget estimates are based on a number of assumptions which are clearly defined in the supporting pages. Productivity and performance assumptions are based on data supplied by specialists as well as data collected from certain producers. Input costs are based on recommended practices and/or information obtained from producers. Good management is assumed in that a balanced ration is being fed, livestock are on a herd health program and handling facilities are included.

The guideline can be useful for comparison purposes. Comparison of costs at different levels of production can be made with other farms; the farm over time to track profits or losses; or comparing the plan with the actual production at the end of the planning period.

Disclaimer: This budget is only a guide and is not intended as an in depth study of the cost of production of the Manitoba Elk industry. Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user. If you require assistance with developing your individual budget, please contact your local MAF Farm Management Specialist or Livestock Specialist.


For Further Information See Your Local Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Office.
Budget Prepared By The Following Farm Management Specialists:
Peter Blawat, P. Ag.
Farm Management Specialist
Ian Thorleifson
Elk Producer
Bill Steeds, P, Ag.
Manager Livestock Section


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