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March 2005

2005 Guidelines for Estimating
Irrigated Processing Potato
Production Costs


Potato acreage in Manitoba has increased significantly in the last 10 years. Expansion in the French Fry processing industry has been the main driver of this increase. This expansion has placed Manitoba second only to Prince Edward Island in total area planted to potatoes. Processing acreage in Manitoba accounts for over 80% of the total acreage and results in an annual value-added in excess of $360,000,000. The balance of the acreage is divided between seed (10,500 acres) and fresh (table) production (8,000).

The following budget estimates the cost of producing processing potatoes based on a total land base of 480 acres, with certain input costs based on 420 acres and a harvested acreage of 399 acres. This is due to the trend toward the dryland corners not being planted to potatoes, where pivot irrigation is used. The figures provide an economic evaluation of processing potatoes required to cover all costs including labour and investment. Management has not been accounted for in this enterprise budget.

To estimate a cash flow budget the actual payments on principal and interest may be substituted for the fixed costs in the budget. As well, an estimate has to be made to cover family living expenses and funds required for capital purchases.

Disclaimer: This budget is only a guide and is not intended as an in-depth study of the cost of production of this industry. Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user. If you require assistance with developing your individual budget, please contact your local Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives office.

Irrigated Processing Potato - Cost of Production 2005

A. Operating Costs Cost/Acre Cost/CWT Your Cost
1.01 Seed & cutting $184.80 $0.79 __________
1.02 Seed treatment $83.12 $0.35 __________
1.03 Fertilizer $120.75 $0.51 __________
1.04 Herbicides $51.58 $0.22 __________
1.05 Fungicide & Insecticide $189.47 $0.81 __________
1.06 Fuel Costs-Field $54.01 $0.23 __________
1.07 Trucking Costs $39.88 $0.17 __________
1.08 Irrigation Fuel $32.48 $0.14 __________
1.09 Maintenance & Repairs $177.94 $0.76 __________
1.10 Custom Work & Rental $83.58 $0.36 __________
1.11 Hired Labour $169.72 $0.72 __________
1.12 Insurance $75.11 $0.32 __________
1.13 Utilities $30.08 $0.13 __________
1.14 Other Costs $74.59 $0.32 __________
Subtotal Operating Costs $1,367.11 $5.83 __________
1.15 Interest on Operating $37.60 $0.16 __________
Total Operating Costs $1,404.70 $5.99 __________
B. Fixed Costs


Own Land Cost $80.00 $0.34 __________
2.02 Depreciation $301.30 $1.28 __________
2.03 Investment $104.05 $0.44 __________
Total Fixed Costs $485.35 $2.06 __________
C. Labour
3.01 Own Labour $98.00 $0.42 __________
Total Cost of Production $1,988.06 $8.47 __________


  1. This budget outlines the cost of producing processing potatoes under irrigated conditions and is based on a pivot system with a river as the water source. (see back page for details)
  2. A potato land base of 399 harvested acres was assumed in developing this budget. The cost of production does not include the cost of maintaining the corners not under irrigation. The crop rotation was based on growing potatoes no more than 1 in 3 years.
  3. Total gross yield per acre was assumed at 276 cwt/acre with marketable yield estimated at 234.6 cwt/acre. Assumed contract size of 100,000 cwt.
  4. Crop Insurance is based on premiums for 2005 at the 80% coverage rate.
  5. All trucking operations related to marketing of processed potatoes were assumed to be custom hauled to the processors. A rate applicable to hauling potatoes approximately 100 miles was assumed.
For more information contact your local Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives office
Prepared by:
Peter Blawat, P.Ag.
Farm Management Specialist
Ian McCartney, P.Ag.
Farm Management Specialist
Keith Kyle, P.Ag.
Farm Management Specialist
Bruce Shewfelt, P. Eng

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