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September 2002

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Manitoba 4-H Members Visit their peers in Durango, Mexico - August 14, 2001

Four Manitoba 4-H members who have been doing business on the Internet with Durango 4-C members are now in Mexico, staying at the homes of their trading partners.

Manitoba Agriculture and Food provincial 4-H program leader Joan Clement said the visit caps off the work of Manitoba 4-H members and their Mexican 4-C counterparts on the International Youth Entrepreneurship Project.

Over the past year, ten senior 4-H members from across the province met on a weekly basis via the Internet as part of a project that allowed them to explore business opportunities in the global economy. They used Junior Achievement's GLOBE program to learn about business structures and how to set up their 'Mexitoba' company to trade with members of 4-C, the 4-H equivalent in Mexico.

The trade mission portion of the program allows the Manitoba participants to make presentations in person to their Mexican counterparts. They also gain a better understanding of the way of life and the way of doing business in Mexico.

The 4-H members originally learned about Mexican market opportunities for Manitoba products from State of Durango Secretary of Agriculture Ferdinando Ulises Adame de Leon when he visited this province on a trade mission in March. It was his interest in an exchange between Manitoba and Mexican youth which resulted in Durango being selected as a trading partner.

Among the products for which Mexico offers potential markets are dairy genetics, oilseeds, cereals, pulse crops, pork and forages.

The Manitoba program participants received advice from several business people throughout the province. A number of group sessions were held which provided them with the firsthand experiences of entrepreneurs, some of whom are exporting to Mexico.

"The participants in this project will have a better understanding of business, the global marketplace, and the impact of culture on business," said Clement. "The 4-H members who have had the opportunity to experience the Mexican market firsthand will be able to provide guidance to 4-H project members next year. The skills learned in the International Youth Entrepreneurship Project will make these young people an asset in their communities and will help strengthen the leadership base of rural Manitoba."

Contact: 4H Office

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