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February 2003

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Seminar To Highlight Emerging Russian Markets For Manitoba Agri-Food Products - January 20, 2003

A seminar on identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities for Manitoba agri-food products in Russia will be held on the morning of Jan. 24 at the Delta Winnipeg Hotel.

"Russia offers considerable potential as a market for Manitoba's agricultural producers," said Bob Ward, manager of Manitoba Agriculture and Food's Market Development and Promotion Section. "This seminar will provide a deeper understanding of the significance of Russia as an emerging priority market."

Guest speaker will be Sohrab Oshidar, senior international marketing officer with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada which is hosting the seminar with Manitoba Agriculture and Food and Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines.

Oshidar has held a number of posts in the Middle East as an agriculture attaché with the responsibility of identifying market opportunities for Canadian agri-food products.

He will highlight current trade activity plans that include Canadian representation at the ProdExpo show in Moscow in February and a potential federal trade mission to Russia in April or May.

"Sohrab Oshidar will provide an unbiased view of the key elements essential for business success in the international marketplace," said Ward. "Manitoba businesspeople with an interest in agri-trade exports to Russia will find the seminar very worthwhile."

There is no fee to participate in the event. However, interested participants are asked to register with Tannis Gordon of Manitoba Agriculture and Food at 204-945-5928.

Contact: Bob Ward

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