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September 24, 2004

Extension News Releases

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In a move to eliminate unwanted and leftover chemicals from farms, the province is launching Phase Two of the Operation CleanFarm program to collect and dispose of these hazardous materials, Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) Minister Rosann Wowchuk announced today.

"Operation CleanFarm is a safe and efficient way for farmers to dispose of forgotten, old, outdated, unregistered or obsolete chemicals that can accumulate at the end of each season," said Wowchuk. "Farmers are encouraged to take advantage of this one-time opportunity to remove these potentially hazardous materials from their property."

Conservation Minister Stan Struthers noted that stockpiles of old and partially filled containers of chemicals common to farm operations may pose a health and environmental risk and need to be disposed of properly.

"Farmers won't take the chance of contaminating their land or water by carelessly dumping chemical waste, so their only option is to store it," said Struthers. "The corrosive leaks or volatile nature of some chemicals also makes them dangerous to keep in the vicinity of homes, families and livestock. This disposal program solves that problem."

Operation CleanFarm is a free, two-year disposal program launched in 2003 by the province in partnership with CropLife Canada (CLC). The program is funded by CLC ($300,000), MAFRI ($100,000), Manitoba Conservation ($100,000) and the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council ($100,000).

This year, the pick-up will be from farms located along the Trans-Canada Highway and north of the highway. Last year, chemicals were collected from farms located along the Trans-Canada and south of the highway.

"CropLife Canada is pleased to partner with the Province of Manitoba to assist in creating safer farming communities and promoting environmental stewardship," said Cam Davreux, vice-president, CLC.

The collection dates for farm chemical disposal are Oct. 5, 6 and 7 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at any of the following collection sites:

  • Angusville Sharpes Soil Service
  • Arborg Agricore United
  • Basswood Agricore United
  • Beausejour AgPro
  • Benito Agricore United
  • Birtle Twin Valley Co-op
  • Carberry Agricore United - Petrel
  • Dauphin Cargill
  • Dugald Springfield Fertilizer
  • Fisher Branch Agricore United
  • Fork River Agricore United
  • Forrest Ag Pro
  • Gilbert Plains Gilbert Plains Co-op
  • Inglis Jackson Seeds
  • Kenton Redfern Farm Services Laurier Riding Valley Agro
  • Marquette Marquette Co-op
  • Miniota Twin Valley Co-op
  • Neepawa Neepawa Co-op
  • Plumas Cargill
  • Roblin Prairie Mountain Agri
  • Rosser Agricore United
  • Shoal Lake Agricore United
  • Swan River Pioneer Grain
  • Teulon N.M. Patterson & Sons
  • The Pas Agricore United
  • Westbourne Munro Farm Supplies

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