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Canada's Clean Air Act

For greenhouse gases: the Government is committed to achieving an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions between 45 - 65% from 2003 levels by 2050, and will ask the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) for advice on the specific target to be selected and scenarios for how the target could be achieved.

For more information:


Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change

Canada can simultaneously make meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promote its national interest, increasing productivity and competitiveness, improving air quality and meeting the energy needs of our growing economy. more

Boreal Futures: Governance, Conservation and Development in Canada's Boreal

In 2003, the NRTEE established a program to examine how to advance conservation in balance with economic activity on public lands in the boreal region currently experiencing industrial-level activity – the “working landscape”. Specifically, the role of fiscal and regulatory policy in achieving a balance between conservation and development in Canada’s boreal region. more

Economic Instruments for Long-term Reductions in Energy-based Carbon Emissions

The result of a two-year multistakeholder process, the NRTEE has developed a set of recommendations aimed at helping the country take a leadership position in the innovation of technologies that will lay the foundations of a sustainable energy future, in Canada and around the world. more

Developing a Long-Term Energy and Climate Change Strategy for Canada

Defining Canada’s national interest and how it can best be advanced in a carbon-constrained world economy; and examining potential environmental and economic risks and opportunities. more

Securing Canada's Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century

Environmental Quality in Canadian Cities: The Federal Role

Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators for Canada

Cleaning up the Past, Building the Future: A National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada
The Virtual Library offers access to more than 300 NRTEE documents and publications.

Energy and Climate Change Documents

Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change

The International Policy Elements of a
Long-term Energy and Climate Change Strategy for Canada

Criteria Air Contaminant Emission Reductions Based on a Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scenario

NRTEE CoP 11 Advice

Summer 2006 Newsletter
HTML version
PDF version
Publications Catalogue

NRTEE - Annual Report

NRTEE- Report on Plans and Priorities 2006-2007

NRTEE CoP 11 Advice

Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
Full Report

Transitioning to a Low Carbon Economy

The NRTEE organized a CoP11 side-event that addressed long-term issues of energy policy and greenhouse gas emissions by discussing what the world might look like in 2050 if nations agreed to pursue the development of a low carbon economy.


Study on Vehicle Feebates

In the 2005 Federal Budget, the Government of Canada tasked the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) to develop options for a vehicle feebate for Canada.

Briefing Note
News Release
Terms of Reference

Development of Options for a Vehicle Feebate in Canada

Full Report (HTML)
PDF Version

Capital Markets and Sustainability
Ecological Fiscal Reform and Energy
Conserving Canada's Natural Capital: Boreal Forest
Greening Canada’s Brownfields
2005 Greening of the Budget Submission
Fiscal Policy for Long-term Carbon Emission Reductions