Early Childhood Development

In September 2000, First Ministers reached an important agreement on early childhood development to foster the well-being of Canada's young children.* Under this agreement, the Government of Canada is providing $2.2 billion over five years, beginning in 2001-2002, to help provincial and territorial governments improve and expand early childhood development programs and services.

To give Canadians a clear idea of the progress being made, governments will report regularly on how young children are doing and on their investments in programs and services.

Joint Federal/Provincial/Territorial Information

 Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities
November 22, 2002

 First Ministers' Meeting Communiqué on Early Child Development
September 2000
 New Federal Investments to Accompany the Agreements on Health Renewal and Early Childhood Development
September 2000
Provincial and Territorial Governments
 Investing in Early Childhood Development: 2002 Progress Report to Manitobans
November 2002
Government of Canada
 Early Childhood Development Activities and Expenditures, Government of Canada Report 2003–2004
February 2005
PDF version

 News Release - Investing in our Future: Government of Canada Reports on Progress in Early Childhood Development
February 2005

 Companion brochure - Investing in our Future: Early Childhood Development & Early Learning and Child Care
February 2005
PDF version

Early Childhood Development Activities and Expenditures: Government of Canada Report 2002-2003
November 2003
PDF version

 The Well-Being of Canada's Young Children: Government of Canada Report 2003
November 2003
PDF version
 Backgrounder - Federal/Provincial/Territorial Children’s Initiatives Helping to give Canadian children the best possible start in life
November 2003
 News Release - Putting children and families first – Government of Canada reports on progress in early childhood development
November 2003

The Well-Being of Canada’s Young Children: Government of Canada Report 2002
November 2002

PDF version The Well-Being of Canada’s Young Children: Government of Canada Report 2002


Early Childhood Development Activities and Expenditures: Government of Canada Report 2001-2002
November 2002

PDF version Early Childhood Development Activities and Expenditures: Government of Canada Report 2001-2002


 BACKGROUNDER Government of Canada’s initiatives—Helping to give Canadian children the best possible start in life
November 2002
 Government of Canada reports focus on early childhood development
November 2002
 Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001
November 2001
 Government of Canada Releases Report on Early Childhood Development (ECD) Activities and Expenditures
November 2001

F/P/T Early Childhood Development Agreement
Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001
November 2001

PDF Version

F/P/T Early Childhood Development Agreement
of Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001
November 2001
PDF Version

F/P/T Early Childhood Development Agreement - Brochure

Part I
Part II

 Early Childhood Development (Government of Canada Backgrounder)
September 2000

* While sharing the same concerns on early childhood development, Quebec did not adhere to the Early Childhood Development Agreement because sections of it infringe on its constitutional jurisdiction on social matters. Quebec intends to preserve its sole responsibility for developing, planning, managing and delivering early childhood development programs. Consequently, all references to viewpoints shared by the federal, provincial and territorial governments do not include the Government of Quebec.


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