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Telephone Help

One of our Information Officers would be pleased to assist you if you have experienced difficulties while browsing the Service Canada Web site. Please select the toll-free number for the country from which you are dialing. Service is available in English and French, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Each number must be dialed exactly as indicated below. Failure to connect may be the result of incorrectly dialed numbers or the problem may be a result of temporary local disruption in overseas telephone service.

Country Toll-free Number
Anguilla 1-800-755-7047
Antigua 1-800-755-7047
Australia 1-800-148-449
Austria 0-800-29-3714
Bahamas 1-800-755-7047
Bahrain 800-00-326

Barbados 1-800-755-7047
Belgium 0-800-78906
Bermuda 1-800-755-7047
Brazil 0-800-891-6808
British Virgin Islands 1-800-755-7047
Cayman Islands 1-800-755-7047
Chile 800-202-704
China 10800-1400338

Colombia 01-800-919-7047
Costa Rica 0-800-015-0239
Denmark 80-88-36-22
Dominica 1-800-755-7047
Dominican Republic 1-888-751-4266
Fiji 00-800-7155
Finland 0-800-115346
France 0-800-90-26-84

Germany 0-800-180-0687
Greece 00-800-10800-755-7047
Grenada 1-800-755-7047
Hong Kong 800-90-1026
Hungary 06-800-14450
Iceland 800-8695
Indonesia 008-800-105-322
Ireland 1-800-555-779

Israel 1-80-945-7047
Italy 800-782-098
Jamaica 1-800-755-7047
Japan 00-531-160-148
Luxembourg 800-2-9858
Macau 0-800-404
Malaysia 1-800-80-4313

Mexico 001-800-514-7047
Montserrat 1-800-755-7047
Netherlands 0-800-022-6649
New Zealand 0-800-441-462
Norway 800-13-069
Philippines 1-800-1-110-0519
Poland 0-0-800-111-4444
Portugal 800-819-816

Puerto Rico 1-800-755-7047
Singapore 8001-011-275
South Africa 0-800-99-8210
South Korea 00-308-140-284
Spain 900-95-15-53
St. Kitts & Nevis 1-800-755-7047
St. Vincent & the Grenadines 1-800-755-7047
Sweden 020-796-621

Switzerland 0-800-83-5452
Taiwan 00-801-1-26444
Thailand 001-800-15-8755-7047
Trinidad & Tobago 1-800-755-7047
Turks & Caicos 1-800-755-7047
United Kingdom 0-800-169-7293
US Virgin Islands 1-800-755-7047
Venezuela 0-800-100-5287

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