Text and logo of nature.ca 150, in large numerals, flanked by 1856 and 2006 in smaller numerals. Text: Calendar.
Text: Canadian Museum of Nature.
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Special Benefits Text: Special Benefits; Live Performances; Trading Cards; Movies. Photos: Joe Bocan as La Comtesse d'Harmonia; one trading card, front and back; an image from The Blue Planet: Seas of Life -- Frozen Seas.
New and current members! For a limited time, we're offering special benefits.




What's On in October

The museum is now open!


Anchiceratops longirostris CMN8547.

Albert Einstein.

A fossil in Dodson's hand.

Amazing New Gallery!
Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery

New Exhibition

Free Lecture
Discovering Canada's Dinosaurs

Plan a visit full of activities and discovery at the Canadian Museum of Nature.

Special Exhibition

Albert Einstein riding a bicycle.Einstein

October 20, 2006 to January 14, 2007

Albert Einstein was daring, wildly ingenious and passionately curious. He reinterpreted the inner workings of nature: the very essence of light, time, energy and gravity. His insights fundamentally changed the way we look at the universe, and made him the most famous scientist of the 20th century. Explore the special exhibition Einstein, the most comprehensive presentation ever assembled on the life and theories of this remarkable man.


Come, be dazzled by our two, brand-new galleries!

The skull of Chasmosaurus irvinensis CMNFV41357.

The new Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery presents a unique look at the dramatic events that led to the extinction of dinosaurs and the rise of mammals through a 50-million-year slice of time. More than 300 specimens will be showcased, including 36 complete skeletons. Dramatic life-sized dioramas featuring 15 fleshed-out dinosaurs and mammals are a Museum highlight ... among the largest displays of this kind in the world! Walk through a forest among seven dinosaurs locked in confrontation. Or discover some bizarre-looking ancestors of modern day mammals, including a walking whale or the rhino-like Megacerops. Witness an unforgettable special effects film in the Extinction Theatre that highlights the catastrophic asteroid collision on Earth some 65 million years ago.

A grizzly (Ursos arctos) specimen.

With its rugged geography and vast unspoiled lands, Canada is home to some of the most awe-inspiring wildlife in the world. In the revitalized Mammal Gallery, you'll witness breathtaking recreations of some of our most treasured animals in their life-challenging habitats. A mother polar bear swipes at an unsuspecting seal that is surfacing at its breathing hole; a majestic grizzly fishes salmon from a stream, two Thinhorn sheep stand surefooted on a steep mountain crest ... just a small sample of the mesmerizing dioramas awaiting your discovery. Many of these settings are one-of-a-kind creations by celebrated Canadian wildlife artist, Clarence Tillenius, and each features a different adaptation theme to enhance your wildlife adventure. Note: For the first few months after the opening, conservators will be working on some of the dioramas.

Hi-Def Movies

Two captivating hi-def nature documentaries are presented in the Discovery Zone. The hi-def cinema is free with museum admission.

The Deep

October 20 to December 31

An image from The Deep.

English showtimes
Thursdays: 7:00 p.m.
Fridays: 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m.

French showtimes
Thursdays: 6:00 p.m.
Fridays: 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Sea Otters: A Laid-Back Life

October 20 to December 31

An image from Sea Otters: A Laid-Back Life.

English showtimes
Saturdays and Sundays: 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

French showtimes
Saturdays and Sundays: 10:15 a.m., 11:45 a.m.

Programmes for Everyone

Also check our general programmes to learn about ongoing, regular activities.

Only for Members!

DinoRock's musical and theatrical performance explores the world of dinosaurs, and features enchanting creatures like Gabi Gallimimus and many other surprises. Other benefits, including a performance in French by La Comtesse d'Harmonia (Joe Bocan) and special trading cards, are also offered to our members. More information.

Free Lecture

Discovering Canada's Dinosaurs

Monday, October 16: 7:00 p.m.

Peter Dodson.Join renowned palaeontologist Dr. Peter Dodson (from the University of Pennsylvania) as he takes you on a fascinating journey through the history of dinosaur collecting and research in Canada.

Dodson has done extensive fieldwork in Alberta, the western United States, China and Africa. In 1981, he discovered a new horned dinosaur in Montana.

He has written The Horned Dinosaurs, several children's books, including An Alphabet of Dinosaurs, and numerous publications. Recently he updated his 1990 study, Counting the Dinosaurs: How Many Kinds Were There, suggesting that only 30% of dinosaurs have been discovered.

This lecture comes just four days before the opening of the spectacular Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery, the new home of Nature's beloved dinosaurs.

Light refreshments will be served. Limited paid parking is available. Information: 613.566.4791.


Walk-Up Tours

Meet up in the gallery and come on a tour of our Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery or our Mammal Gallery. Tour schedule.

Guided and Unguided Tours for Groups

Groups may reserve unguided or guided tours of our galleries.


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