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The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Canada's national public broadcaster

On this site you will find information about the range of services we provide Canadians in English, French and eight aboriginal languages. You will also find news and information about the people, partnerships, and activities that make us one of this country's largest cultural institutions.

For news or for more specific information on our English and French network programming, please visit cbc.ca and radio-canada.ca respectively.

President's Message in the 2006-2007 Annual Report

"In just a few years, the landscape of Canadian broadcasting has changed almost beyond recognition. Canadians can now choose from hundreds, even thousands, of television channels, radio stations and websites, and new tech nologies are allowing them to gain access to that content whenever and however they want it."   [ more ]

Notes for remarks by Mr. Robert Rabinovitch, President and CEO, CBC/Radio-Canada, at Prix Italia.

"The challenges that public broadcasters must deal with in the 21st Century, particularly in television, are as many as they are momentous. As much in Canada as anywhere else."   [ more ]

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