Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee Comité externe d'examen de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada - Canada
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Royal Canadian Mounted Police - External Review Committee - Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why was the Committee established?
    Although there exist, within the RCMP, effective mechanisms which deal with employee/employer relations, its membership is not unionized and able to bargain collectively. Regular and civilian members of the RCMP are, consequently, not subject to the grievance resolution procedure established under the Public Service Staff Relations Act or the Canada Labour Code and available to other government employees. The RCMP External Review Committee is, with the exception of the court system, the only legislative mechanism available to the members of the RCMP and capable of conducting independent reviews of members’ concerns.

  2. How do the RCMP External Review Committee and the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP differ?
    The Commission reviews complaints from the public against members of the RCMP; the Committee reviews "complaints" from members of the RCMP against RCMP management. The Committee and the Commission are independent from each other.

  3. What is the organizational structure of the Committee?
    The RCMP Act provides for a full-time Chair, a Vice-Chair and three other members who can be appointed on a full-time or part-time basis, and who are available to assist with its work (e.g. hearings).

    Case review is provided by a small staff of legal counsel.

  4. Who is the current Chair of the RCMP External Review Committee?
    The current Chair of the Committee is Ms Catherine Ebbs. Ms Ebbs was appointed on a full-time basis on November 1, 2005 for a period of 3 years.

  5. Can the Committee hold hearings?
    Although the Committee rarely uses this power, it can order hearings and summon witnesses.

  6. How many cases have been dealt with since the creation of the Committee?
    To date, the Committee has received matters representing the direct interests of approximately five hundred members of the RCMP from the rank of special constable up to chief superintendent. Furthermore, when the Committee deals with a grievance or appeal of one member, it has often resolved the concerns or questions of hundreds of other members, and some recommendations have resulted in the revision of RCMP policies and procedures.

    The Committee's recommendations are not limited to solving immediate problems. Hence, they can and have served the more profound purpose of influencing the RCMP as a whole in the improvement or elaboration of new human resource policies and systemic change.

  7. How often has the Committee's recommendation been in favour of the member?
    In 45% of all cases.

  8. How often has the RCMP Commissioner agreed with the Committee?
    In 88% of all cases.

  9. How can I order Committee publications ?
    The publications issued by the Committee are listed under the heading Publications. They are free of charge. If you would like to receive a copy of any of the Committee’s publications, please contact us by mail, phone or e-mail and specify your request. Please see heading Contact Us for the proper address.

Last Modified: 2005-11-10
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