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CMHC for Consumers November 2006

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General Maintenance and Repair

A regular schedule of seasonal maintenance and repairs can help you protect your investment by putting a stop to the most common and costly problems before they occur.

In This Section:

  • Accessible Housing by Design — Appliances
    Learn how to select appliances which can be easily used by people of differing ages and abilities.
  • Attic Venting, Attic Moisture and Ice Dams
    How do you deal with a leak in the ceiling? How should an attic be properly vented? How do you eliminate ice dams? This fact sheet will answer these and other attic related questions.
  • Avoiding Basement Flooding
    Basement flooding leads to damage of the finishing material and possible growth of mold. This document reviews why basements flood and how to prevent floods from occurring.
  • Home Maintenance Schedule
    This factsheet provides a listing of the regular home maintenance tasks which should be done at various times throughout the year to protect the condition of your house.
  • Maintaining Your Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV)
    For a clean and healthy living environment, review the seven steps to maintaining the Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV).
  • Painting: Walls, Ceilings and Floors
    This factsheet provides general information on: selecting paints, e.g. latex (water based) or alkyd (oil based); types of paint and paint finishes,e.g. low or high sheen, sealer, primer, melamine; estimating quantity of paint required; preparing for painting; and painting tips.
  • Removing Ice on Roofs
    Whether you have a sloped or flat roof, learn techniques that will help you deal with extensive roof icing or ice dam problems.
  • Soot Staining on Carpets
    Does your carpet have permanent dark stains near baseboards, air registers or under doorways? Find out what causes soot staining and what you can do about it.
  • Your Furnace Filter
    To reduce exposure to airborne particles, choose the furnace filter that best suits your needs.
  • Your Septic System
    A primer on the components, operation and proper maintenance of an inground septic tank and system.
  • Should You Get Your Heating Ducts Cleaned?
    Will clean ducts result in improved air quality? When is duct cleaning most appropriate? This fact sheet separates fact from fiction.
  • How to Read a Material Safety Data Sheet
    Reading and understanding the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides product information and the necessary safety precautions to follow when using it.