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The National Land and Water Information Service

Canada's agriculture and agri-food industry is undergoing rapid change. Global competition, trade challenges and public expectations are accelerating the need to better use Canada's resources. The public and private sectors have had to respond to changing demographics, greater public concern about the health and safety of food and water, a growing demand for new products, and concerns about environmentally sustainable food production.

Trends toward more intensive agricultural practices and competing land uses result in higher demands on land, soil, water and air resources and impact climate and biodiversity as well. Proper planning of agricultural development has become essential so that Canadian land-use managers can maximize economic benefits while safeguarding the environment.

The National Land and Water Information Service, an initiative under the environment chapter of Canada's Agricultural Policy Framework (APF), aims to provide land, soil, water, climatic and biodiversity resource information to land-use decision makers to support an environmentally sustainable agricultural sector.

Effective Project Approval was received from Treasury Board on May 2, 2005 for development of the Service. This Major Crown Project is being implemented in phases over four years. It is the first such project to be approved under the leadership of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). With a total allocation of $100.1 million, the National Land and Water Information Service project represents a significant investment in agri-environmental sustainability by the Government of Canada that will benefit all Canadians.

Please bookmark this Web site and come back often for current information about this important initiative.

Date Modified: 2005-09-19
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