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Photo of the Canadian Rockies Showcase

Olympic Culture: Canadian Perspectives

Canada has participated in every modern Olympic Games and has hosted this international event twice. As Vancouver prepares to host the 2010 Winter Games, and Library and Archives Canada invite you to discover the cultural aspects of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

> Other Showcases

Close-up photo of ice

Mission Antarctic

One mission, one goal, endless hope. Follow the journey of these mariners, filmmakers and scientists as they sail to the edge of the South Pole's ice pack to document the effects of climate change in Antarctica. Meet the crew, read the ship's log or view their photos and videos online.

> Other Featured Sites

Cultural News -

Updated: November 27, 2006 04:00 PM

Photo of Jill Henselwood

Riding with Heart for Canada

Against all odds and through sheer determination and dedication, Canadians manage to rise to the top [more]

Jill Henselwood, Equestrian
Oxford Mills, ON


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