St. Lawrence River

This example illustrates the Egg Code description of agglomerated brash—a typical winter ice scenario around the Quebec City bridges and further downstream in the estuary area.

It shows the area of the river almost completely covered: 9+ or, greater than 9/10 for the total concentration. The left-hand column shows that of this coverage, 7/10 is composed mostly of agglomerated brash (—). The code 1 in the bottom box refers to the floe size (in this case, brash ice).

Reading down the middle column tells us that the ice coverage is also composed of 2/10 grey-white ice (5) in small floes, (3). The right-hand column completes the coverage picture showing the remainder as 1/10 grey ice, (4) also in small floes (3).

International Egg Code

The VKMT categories are also illustrated below the Egg Code. These further refine the 7/10 brash value as 0/10 very thick, 2/10 thick, 3/10 medium and 2/10 thin.

Remember, when agglomerated brash is reported, a dash (—) is used to describe its stage of development as indicated in the third section's left-hand column.