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Veterans Independence Program

The Veterans Independence Program (VIP) is a national home care program provided by Veterans Affairs Canada. The program was established in 1981 to help clients remain healthy and independent in their own homes or communities.

VIP does not replace other federal, provincial or municipal programs. Instead it complements these programs when necessary, to best meet the needs of our clients.

VIP is only available in Canada. It cannot be offered to clients who live outside of Canada.

VIP Services

If you are a Veteran and qualify for VIP, the services you receive will depend on your circumstances and health needs. These services may include:

  • grounds maintenance, including grass cutting and snow removal;
  • housekeeping, including help with routine tasks such as doing the laundry, cleaning your home, or preparing meals;
  • personal care services to assist you with personal needs, such as bathing, dressing, and eating;
  • access to nutrition services, like Meals-on- Wheels and Wheels-to-Meals; and
  • health and support services provided by health professionals.

Other services that may be available to Veterans under VIP include:

  • ambulatory (out-patient) health care for certain health and social services provided outside the home, such as adult day care, and travel costs to get to these services;
  • transportation costs to foster independence, for activities such as shopping, banking, and visiting friends when transportation is not otherwise available;
  • home adaptations to modify things like bathrooms, kitchens and doorways so that it is easier for you to do basic everyday activities such as prepare a meal, maintain personal hygiene, and sleep. Home adaptations do not include general renovations or repairs; and
  • nursing home care when living at home is no longer practical and you need a greater level of nursing and personal help.

Who is eligible for VIP?


Most clients who receive VIP are Veterans. You may qualify for VIP if you have a health-related need for the services, and are:

  • a disability client who needs VIP as a result of your disability entitlement;
  • a wartime (First World War, Second World War and Korean War) pensioner with a disability that is pensioned at 48% or higher;
  • a disability client with a number of health conditions that, together with your disability entitlement, places you at risk due to frailty;
  • a wartime Veteran or overseas civilian who qualifies because of low income.
  • totally disabled former prisoner of war; or
  • an overseas service Veteran who is at home on a waitlist for a Priority Access Bed.
Primary Caregivers

You may qualify for VIP housekeeping and/or grounds maintenance services if you were the primary caregiver of a Veteran who:

  • qualified for these VIP services anytime after the program began in April 1981; and
  • was receiving these services at the time he/she passed away or was admitted to a long-term care facility.

Most primary caregivers are spouses or common-law partners, but adult children or other individuals may also qualify.

To qualify for VIP as a primary caregiver:
  • you must need the services to remain independent in your home but your health prevents you from doing these tasks; and
  • at the time a Veteran passed away or was admitted to a long-term care faclity:

    • you were primarily responsible for making sure that care was provided to the Veteran;
    • you did not receive a wage to provide this care;
    • you lived in the principal residence of the Veteran and maintained the Veteran, or was maintained by the Veteran, for a continuous period of at least one year;
    • the VIP services were necessary for health reasons and would assist the primary caregiver to remain self sufficient in their home;
    • you were a resident of Canada;
    • the services were not already available to the primary caregiver as an insured service under a provincial health care system or a private insurance policy; and
    • there were no other persons living with the primary caregiver capable of providing the services.

If the Veteran you cared for received both housekeeping and grounds maintenance services, then you will qualify for both. However, if the Veteran only received one of these services (such as grounds maintenance services), then this is the only service that will be available to you.

Once you qualify for VIP, you will receive the services for as long as you need them. Payments are not retroactive.

Health Care Card

To obtain a VAC benefit or service, use your VAC Health Identification card by presenting it to a participating VAC provider. The provider will confirm eligibility, obtain pre-authorization and supply the benefit. Eligible Veteran clients need never be out of pocket for the approved benefit or service.

What if I am not eligible for VIP?

Our staff will be pleased to counsel you about other programs and services in your province or community that may be able to help you. Every effort will be made to put you in touch with providers of these programs.

Who to Contact:

For more information on the Veterans Independence Program and how to apply, please call:

1-866-522-2122 (English) or
1-866-522-2022 (French)
or visit our Web site at










Updated: 2006-6-28