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An individual inadvertently comes across evidence of online child exploitation.
They go to www.cybertip.ca to fill out an online form and report the sexual exploitation.
Cybertip.ca webserver receives the information in a secure fashion.
Analysts review, prioritize and add value to the report.
Reports of potentially illegal activity are sent to the appropriate law enforcement jurisdiction.


Cybertip.ca is Canada's National Tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children. It is a centralized web portal for receiving and addressing reports from the public regarding child pornography, luring, child sex tourism, and children who are exploited through prostitution. Cybertip.ca also provides the public with information, referrals and other resources to help Canadians keep their children safe while on the Internet.

Child Find Manitoba's Cybertip.ca operates as one of the organization's core services. Although the majority of Cybertip.ca's reports are provided online, the public is also able to contact the tipline by phone or fax.


As Canada's National tipline, Cybertip.ca's mandate is to protect children from online sexual exploitation by:

  • receiving and analyzing tips from the public about potentially illegal material and activities regarding the online sexual exploitation of children, and referring leads to the appropriate law enforcement agency; and
  • providing the public with information and other resources, as well as support and referral services to help Canadians keep themselves and their families' safe while on the Internet.

Since launching Cybertip.ca in September 2002, the tipline has forwarded reports to law enforcement that have resulted in 20 arrests and the removal of as many as 1100 websites.

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