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Office of Immigration Documents

Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
The Nova Scotia Office of Immigration promotes immigration to our province and selects immigrants through our provincial nominee program. 

Nova Scotia Nominee Program
Find out more about the Nova Scotia Nominee Program.

Frequently Asked Questions: NSNP Changes - October 16, 2006
Notice to Stakeholders: NSNP Changes - October 13, 2006
Notice on Cap of 400 - October 12, 2006
Economic Stream: Refund Policy and Form - September 15, 2006
Economic Stream: Commissions for Authorized Representatives - Updated November 2, 2006
Business Mentor Program Application Materials - Updated September 1, 2006

Press Release about changes to the NSNP - June 30, 2006

NSNP Skilled Worker Stream Application Package
The NSNP Skilled Worker application guide and forms are available. Read more . . .

NSNP Fee Review Final Report
Fee Review of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program for the Office of Immigration
Notice: Fee Review Adendum
Examen des droits associés au Programme des candidats de la Nouvelle-Écosse pour l’Office de l’immigration

Immigration Settlement Program
Immigration Settlement Program Funding 2006-2007 Approvals - Updated September 11, 2006

2nd Immigrant Women's Round Table
Summary Report - July 28, 2006

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
If you are interested in immigrating to Canada, or have questions about your existing federal application, please visit the
Citizenship and Immigration Canada web site for more information.

Hon. Carolyn Bolivar-Getson
Minister of Immigration
view bio)

Hon. Carolyn Bolivar-Getson

News Release:
August 10, 2006

Atlantic Ministers Meet on an Atlantic approach to Immigration