Nova Scotia Department of Education Student Loans

Related Sites

A compilation of Student Assistance links for your interest. A listing does not indicate a preference for a certain organization but instead is provided for information purposes only.

Federal and Provincial student loan websites: Top of Page

Learning in Canada Top of Page

CanLearn Interactive
Canada's one-stop resource for the information and interactive planning tools you need to explore learning and education opportunities, research occupations, develop learning strategies, and create the financial plans to achieve your goals.

Associations Top of Page

Association of Canadian Community Colleges
Information on the association, its publications, as well as forums for sharing information

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Links to scholarships & exchanges, university affairs, and information about the association

Canadian Alliance of Student Associations
Mostly under construction but will eventually offer links to university student unions, newsletters, and other great links

Canadian Association of University Teachers
Offers upcoming events, highlights from the CAUT bulletin, and a list of related links

Canadian Bankers Association
Lists financial hotlinks, tips for security (bank/credit cards), news releases, etc.

Canadian Federation of Students
Under construction temporarily; however, includes programs for students, list of rights of students, press releases, and more

Colleges & University Information Top of Page

The Nova Scotia Community College
The Nova Scotia Community College is a Province-wide system of training and education established in 1988. The College operates on a philosophy of open access to Nova Scotians needing occupational training.

Excellent link for students to: get information on provincial assistance programs, search for universities by program, read profiles of Canadian schools

Link to all kinds of educational information including financial assistance, university information, etc.

Financial Assistance Top of Page

Canada Access Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities

Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)
The CESG is a grant from the Government of Canada paid directly into a beneficiary's Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).

Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
To be up-to-date with the latest information about the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, you are invited to visit this site regularly.

Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation
A guide to tax sheltered savings to financially assist a child's education

Financial Aid Search Through the Web Allows students to enter their qualifications and receive notification within 15 minutes as to what scholarships they are eligible for. A special feature allows for the delivery of the latest updates to the students' own personal mailbox, instantly

List of Awards and Recipients
List of awards available provincially, nationally, and internationally, and their criteria, as well as the names and qualifications of some of the winners
This Canadian web site gives you free and immediate access to our database of thousands of scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, grants and other financial awards

Students and Income Tax
Quick and easy guide, geared toward the student, to: filing a tax return, understanding what income/expenses to include, making transfers, etc.

Career Information Top of Page
"Web sites that will help with your Career Planning activities. What information do you need?"
(compiled by the Skills & Learning Branch, NS Department of Education).

Job Futures
Allows students to access information about their intended field of study (i.e. growth potential, salary, work locations)

Nova Scotia Work Info Net
This site - recently relocated to EDnet - is 'under construction', but PDF files of the original web site will provide access to a wealth of career and employment planning information.

Nova Scotia Government Employment Opportunities
Gives detailed information on available jobs within the government on Nova Scotia.

Recruitment and Employment
Links to FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience Program), The Electronic Labour Exchange, Public Sector jobs open to the public as well as other recruitment related sites

The Monster Board
A comprehensive site which offers job searches, resume builders, employer profiles, etc.

A powerful new Internet service designed for work-ready individuals who simply want a quick path to job listings, work search help, resume writing and workplace information.

Student Banking Top of Page

Some of the major banks have dedicated portions of their web sites to students like yourself. You may find some helpful hints on budgeting to insure your student loan lasts for your academic year.

The following list does not indicate a preference for certain financial institutions. It is merely provided as a benefit to students in regards to financing their post-secondary education. This section only includes banks that are authorized to negotiate government sponsored student loan documents and have a section devoted to student loans.

Royal Bank
Budgetary information, basic student loan information and access to other student banking services.

Scotia Bank
Information on government sponsored student loans, Scotia student loans and financing your post-secondary education. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

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