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, Canada's New Government - Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan,

Reforming the financing of political parties,

On April 11, 2006, the Government of Canada introduced the Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan, delivering on its commitment to make government more accountable. This is one of a series of fact sheets describing proposed actions to respond to this commitment.

The context

The Canada Elections Act governs campaign donations and the financing of political parties and candidates in Canada. The law ensures transparency and regulates the financial relations and operations of political parties and candidates. However, more needs to be done to rebuild public confidence in the integrity of the democratic process, and to ensure that influence cannot be bought through political donations. Donations from corporations, unions, and organizations are of particular concern, since they currently allow for a contribution of funds from unknown original sources.

What this means for Canadians

These changes will increase transparency, reduce opportunities to influence politicians with contributions, and help Canadians feel more confident about the integrity of the democratic process. They will level the playing field among individual contributors and encourage political parties to engage the electorate more directly.

The Action Plan

The Government of Canada will toughen the laws around the financing of political parties and candidates to reduce the opportunity to exert influence through large donations. Specifically, the Federal Accountability Act will:

  • impose a complete ban on contributions by corporations, unions, and organizations;
  • lower from $5,000 to $1,000 the annual limit on contributions an individual can make to a particular registered party;
  • lower from $5,000 to $1,000 the annual limit on contributions an individual can make to the local entities of a particular registered party (candidates, nomination contestants, and district associations);
  • lower to $1,000 the contribution that a candidate, a nomination contestant, or a party leadership contestant can make to his or her own campaign; and
  • make it an offence to give or willfully receive a cash donation of more than $20.

In addition, other legislative changes are being made to ban secret donations and gifts to political candidates (see related fact sheet called "Banning secret donations to political candidates" for details).

For more information

For more information on this specific measure, please refer to the relevant section of the Action Plan, or contact us.

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