Air, Land, Water

Air, Land, Water

Nova Scotia is known around the world for its pristine natural beauty. Both government and citizens have responsibilities to maintain this good reputation. Protecting and preserving our environment through proactive and responsible planning, regulations and programs is an essential part of our department's activities. This section has information on a variety of topics, from recycling to protected areas, and oil tanks to safe drinking water. Throughout, you will find out how each one of us can work together to keep our air, land and water clean, pure and protected.

Current Items

  • Nova Scotia Environmental Home Assessment Program ... More
  • Waste Reduction Week, October 16-22, 2006 ... More
  • New Environmental Lab Policy in Nova Scotia ... More
  • Environment Week Launch ... More
  • Wetland alteration approval information available ... More
  • 2005 Bay of Fundy Awards Recipients announced ... More
  • 2005 Gulf of Maine Council Awards Recipients announced ... More

Last Updated: 2006-Oct-24
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