Occupational Health and Safety Division
Web-Site User Satisfaction Survey
Province of Nova Scotia
The Occupational Health and Safety Division is committed to providing you with high quality service. As part of our effort, we are surveying our web-site users about their level of satisfaction with our Health and Safety site. Please help us by taking a moment to complete this survey so that we can better achieve our mandate and improve service.

How many times in the past 60 days have you visited our Health and Safety site?

2 to 3 times
4 to 6 times
7 to 10 times
more than 10


Which term best describes you?

Company safety officer / co-ordinator
Health and Safety Committee member
Manager / supervisor
Health and Safety Representative
Health and Safety Consultant
General public


What were your main reasons for visiting this site on your most recent visit, and your last 2 visits if applicable?

Check any that apply.
Act / Regulations/Reference Guides/Codes of Practice
Publications (hazard alerts, information sheets, posters)
Contact information
Useful links
Young Workers resource page
Video Catalogue
Other, please specify:


Did you find what you were looking for?

If No, what were you specifically looking for?


Please rate the site on the following features.

  1=Poor  5=Excellent

1 2 3 4 5 Features
Ease of getting around the site (links are easy to follow)
Visual appeal (layout and readability)
Ability to quickly find what you were looking for
The site search function (if used)
Usefulness of the site

6.What improvements would you make to the site?

Check any that apply.
Add more graphics
Add tutorials
Add ability to e-mail forms to the Occupational Health and Safety Division
Add ability to find out status of applications and requests sent to the Occupational Health and Safety Division
The status of inspections and orders
Other, please specify:


Please provide any other comments about your recent visit to our web-site: