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Products released this week

Monday, November 27, 2006 Back to top
Children and Youth Research Paper Series: "Readiness to learn at school among five-year-old children", no. 4 89-599-MWE2006004

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 Back to top
Cereals and Oilseeds Review, September 2006, Vol. 29, no. 9 22-007-XIB

Products released last week

Monday, November 20, 2006 Back to top
General Social Survey, Cycle 19: Time Use (2005): Documentation and User's Guide for the Public Use Microdata File, 2005 12M0019GPE
General Social Survey, Cycle 19: Time Use (2005): Public Use Microdata File, 2005 12M0019XCB
Industrial Chemicals and Synthetic Resins, September 2006, Vol. 49, no. 9 46-002-XIE
Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Vol. 36, no. 4 56-001-XIE
International Travel, Advance Information, Vol. 22, no. 9 66-001-PIE
General Social Survey on Time Use: Cycle 19: Canada's General Social Survey on Time Use: Challenges and Potential, 2005, no. 3 89-622-XIE2006003

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 Back to top
Production and Disposition of Tobacco Products, October 2006, Vol. 35, no. 10 32-022-XIE
Aircraft Movement Statistics, October 2006, Vol. 5, no. 10 51F0001PIE
Monthly Railway Carloadings, September 2006, Vol. 83, no. 9 52-001-XIE
Wholesale Trade, September 2006, Vol. 69, no. 9 63-008-XIE

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 Back to top
The Consumer Price Index, October 2006, Vol. 85, no. 10 62-001-XIB
The Consumer Price Index, October 2006, Vol. 85, no. 10 62-001-XPB
Retail Trade, September 2006, Vol. 78, no. 9 63-005-XIE
Perspectives on Labour and Income, Vol. 7, no. 11 75-001-XIE

Thursday, November 23, 2006 Back to top
Human Activity and the Environment: Annual Statistics, 2006 16-201-XPE
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators, 2006 16-251-XWE
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Highlights, 2006 16-252-XWE
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Socio-economic Information, 2006 16-253-XWE
Canada's Mineral Production, Preliminary Estimates, 2005 26-202-XIB
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Profile Series: Canadians' Use of Crime Prevention Measures, no. 12 85F0033MIE2006012

Friday, November 24, 2006 Back to top
Net Farm Income: Agriculture Economic Statistics, November 2006, Vol. 5, no. 2 21-010-XIE
Farm Cash Receipts: Agriculture Economic Statistics, November 2006, Vol. 5, no. 2 21-011-XIE
Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciation Charges: Agriculture Economic Statistics, November 2006, Vol. 5, no. 2 21-012-XIE
Value of Farm Capital: Agriculture Economic Statistics, November 2006, Vol. 5, no. 2 21-013-XIE
Farm Debt Outstanding: Agriculture Economic Statistics, November 2006, Vol. 5, no. 2 21-014-XIE
Canadian Potato Production, November 2006, Vol. 4, no. 2 22-008-XIE
Canada Food Stats, November 2006 23F0001XCB
Canada Food Stats, November 2006 23F0001XBB
Production and Value of Honey and Maple Products, 2006 23-221-XIE
Sawmills, September 2006, Vol. 60, no. 9 35-003-XIE
Steel, Tubular Products and Steel Wire, September 2006, Vol. 2, no. 9 41-019-XIE

Products released two weeks ago

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Back to top
Police Resources in Canada, 2006 85-225-XIE

Thursday, November 16, 2006 Back to top
Canadian Economic Observer, Vol. 19, no. 11 11-010-XPB
New Motor Vehicle Sales, September 2006, Vol. 78, no. 9 63-007-XIE
Changes in Employment Survey, January 1995 to September 1998 72M0002XCB

Friday, November 17, 2006 Back to top
Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series: "International mobility: Patterns of exit and return of Canadians, 1982 to 2003", no. 288 11F0019MIE2006288
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Air Quality Indicator: Data Sources and Methods, 2005 16-254-XIE
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Indicator: Data Sources and Methods, 2005 16-255-XIE
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Freshwater Quality Indicator: Data Sources and Methods, 2005 16-256-XIE
Exports by Commodity, July 2006, Vol. 63, no. 7 65-004-XCB
Exports by Commodity, September 2006, Vol. 63, no. 9 65-004-XPB
Imports by Country, January to September 2006, Vol. 63, no. 3 65-006-XCB
Imports by Country, January to September 2006, Vol. 63, no. 3 65-006-XPB
Canada's International Transactions in Securities, Vol. 72, no. 9 67-002-XIE

Products released three weeks ago

Monday, November 6, 2006 Back to top
Industry Price Indexes, September 2006, Vol. 32, no. 9 62-011-XIE
Healthy Today, Healthy Tomorrow? Findings from the National Population Health Survey: "Trends in weight change among Canadian adults: Evidence from the 1996/1997 to 2004/2005 National Population Health Survey", Vol. 2, no. 1 82-618-MIE2006005

Tuesday, November 7, 2006 Back to top
Canadian Social Trends, no. 82 11-008-XWE
Building Permits, September 2006, Vol. 50, no. 9 64-001-XIE
The Integrated Approach to Economic Surveys in Canada, 2006 68-514-XIE
Cancer Survival Statistics, 1992 to 1998 82-226-XIE

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 Back to top
Economic Analysis Research Paper Series: "Domestic and foreign influences on Canadian prices over exchange rate cycles, 1974 to 1996", no. 43 11F0027MIE2006043
Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts Review, 2005, Vol. 2, no. 2 13-016-XIE
Provincial Economic Accounts, Annual Estimates, Day of Release, 2005 13-213-DDB
Provincial Economic Accounts, Annual Estimates, Tables and Analytical Document, Preliminary Estimates, 2005 13-213-PPB
Provincial Economic Accounts, Annual Estimates, 2005 13-213-XDB
Provincial Gross Domestic Product by Industry and Sector at Basic Price, 1997 to 2003 15-209-XCB
Provincial Gross Output by Industry and Sector, 1997 to 2003 15-210-XCB
A Profile of Canadian Exporters, 1993 to 2004 65-506-XIE
Juristat, Vol. 26, no. 6 85-002-XIE
Juristat, Vol. 26, no. 6 85-002-XPE

Thursday, November 9, 2006 Back to top
Canadian Economic Observer, Vol. 19, no. 11 11-010-XIB
Human Activity and the Environment: Annual Statistics, 2006 16-201-XIE
Canadian International Merchandise Trade, September 2006, Vol. 60, no. 9 65-001-XIB

Friday, November 10, 2006 Back to top
Connectedness Series: "Our lives in digital times", Vol. 2006, no. 14 56F0004MIE2006014
Imports by Commodity, September 2006, Vol. 63, no. 9 65-007-XCB
Imports by Commodity, September 2006, Vol. 63, no. 9 65-007-XPB

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