Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Brand Nova Scotia?

A: It’s an initiative of the Province of Nova Scotia and the private sector designed to change perceptions about Nova Scotia, its people and the incredible things we have to offer the rest of the world

Q: But you haven’t linked to my business or non-profit group from your site?

A: At first, we are linking primarily to associations, private-public partnerships and the public sector. Over time, we expect the site will expand and likely include links from individual enterprises.

Q: Why should I be interested in participating on

A: It’s a great way to sell your sector to interested parties from around the world.

Q: Can I put a link to on my business or non-profit web site?

A: Yes, we encourage Nova Scotians to put the brand logo on their website.

Q: This site looks more like a web portal than a traditional web site?

A: That’s right, it is a web portal, and it’s designed to move visitors quickly to their final destination. At the same time, we want to give visitors a sense of the great opportunities available in Nova Scotia.

Q: Who decides which links go on the site?

A: Decisions about links are made by the Province of Nova Scotia’s Brand Advisory Committee in consultation with the Web Advisory Committee.

Q: If I represent an association or private-public partnership, how do I get my link on your site?

A: Click on the contact form and send us your web address along with an e-mail address and your name and telephone number.


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