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News Flash!

The National

CBC News will be broadcasting live from the Elizabeth May victory celebration in London tonight.

Watch The National on Newsworld at 9 pm EST and at 10pm on the CBC national network.

Elizabeth May Thanks London North Centre

Elizabeth May
It’s polling day in the London North Centre by-election. Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities started early this morning at Elizabeth May’s Green Party campaign headquarters and scrutineers are in place at almost every polling station in the riding.

At an election-eve celebration last night, Green Party leader Elizabeth May thanked the hundreds of local volunteers and those who came to London from as far away as British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Quebec and all over Ontario to support her bid to become Canada’s first Green member of parliament.

“This has been such an uplifting, but at the same time a humbling experience,” Elizabeth said today. “I will never forget the warmth and generosity of the people of London and the way they have welcomed me into their community. Neither will I forget the tireless work of my campaign team and the wonderful volunteers who have walked the streets and worked the phones for the past three weeks.

“As the recently-elected leader of the Green Party, this campaign was a priceless opportunity to talk with Londoners, to listen to their concerns and to lay out our ideas for a healthy and sustainable future for all Canadians. The reception we have received shows that our approach and our policies are growing in popularity with each passing day.”

Watch for results here

NDP desperate


Just finished my canvassing .. a great day and very positive!

I am so thrilled that Megan Walker and the NDP have changed their tune. At the beginning of the campaign, she said the Green Party was not a factor in this election.

Today people are coming into our office complaining about new literature out from the NDP.... Special attack flyer against the Green Party.,...

One side, all green with white letters: "Thinking of voting for the Green Party.... Think carefully."


Dan Baril's final thoughts on London Campaign

Dan Baril
Link to Dan Baril's blog here

Elizabeth May Announces Prominent Greens Adriane Carr and Claude William Genest as Deputy Leaders of federal Green Party

Adriane Carr, Elizabeth May & Claude William Genest
Adriane Carr, Elizabeth May & Claude William Genest "We are citizens wanting to take responsibility, rather than politicians wanting to take power." - Claude William Genest
November 21, 2006

(London, Ont.) With the by-election of London North Centre in full swing, Federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May took time-out from her busy campaign to appoint two Deputy Leaders to the federal party: Adriane Carr, the high-profile BC Green Party leader who is leaving her provincial post on November 30th, and Claude William Genest, popular TV host and former Vice-President of the Quebec Green Party. Both deputies bring considerable experience and credibility to the federal party, which is now polling at just above 10%, up from 7% just 4 months ago. More...

An evening with Edward Burtynsky (National Fundraising Event)

Rock of Ages
Monday, Nov. 20, 2006

6:30-8:30 pm, The Chelsea Club

236 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa

More about the event

Silent Auction Items

Dan Baril of Core Strategies blogs about Elizabeth

Elizabeth May declared hands-down winner of first all candidates debate

London - Green Party Leader Elizabeth May easily won the first all candidates debate in the London North Centre federal by-election campaign. A standing room only crowd at Huron University College voted by ballot following the debate, overwhelmingly endorsing May as the winner.

Voting Results
Green Party – 100
Conservative – 32
NDP – 26
Liberal – 24


Garth Turner to campaign for Elizabeth May in London North Centre

Garth Turner to campaign for Elizabeth May
Garth Turner to campaign for Elizabeth May
London – Independent MP Garth Turner will visit London North Centre tomorrow afternoon to canvass with Green Party leader Elizabeth May. Today in Ottawa, Mr. Turner, in the course of a news conference identifying the lack of democracy within old-line political parties, announced that he would be supporting Green Party leader Elizabeth May in the London North Centre by-election.

Mr. Turner is a former resident of London and the current MP for Halton. A well-known figure in the London area, Mr. Turner wrote a column that appeared in the London Free Press for many years prior to being elected in 2006. In his news conference, he stated that he is supporting Elizabeth May because he feels that her Green voice is desperately needed in the House of Commons.

Mr. Turner remains an Independent and has not joined the Green Party, but continues to talk with May about the possibility of becoming a Green MP.

“I’m extremely pleased and honoured to have Garth Turner’s support in this critical by-election,” said May. “I look forward to seeing him tomorrow and to visiting London voters in his former neighbourhood”.


The recent disappearance of Ahmed Maolin-Mohamed, who is facing one count of attempted murder and 3 counts of criminal negligence causing bodily harm in a Thanksgiving weekend shooting in downtown London, again raises the issue of how a person charged with violent crime is treated by the courts. It also raises the issue of how we balance the right of an accused, in this case to be released on bail, with the right of the community to be protected from violent crime.

The Green Party believes that greater weight must be given to public safety, particularly in cases involving guns and violence. The Green Party supports the gun registry.

Halifax policy conference huge success

The first in a series of national policy conferences drew what is believed to be the biggest crowd ever to attend a Green Party event east of Ottawa to the campus of Saint Mary's University in Halifax Saturday, November 4.

Elizabeth May Candidate in London North-Centre By Election

Elizabeth May

"Visit E May (dot) Ca"

Green Party announces Shadow Cabinet

Green Party leader Elizabeth May has announced the party’s new Shadow Cabinet, the expert group that will disseminate and promote the party’s policies into the next federal election and beyond.

“The Green Party is about new ideas and new approaches,” said Ms. May, “and we need dynamic, knowledgeable spokespeople to explain why our way is the way forward.

“I am excited at the prospect of working with this exceptional team of policy specialists.”

Shadow Cabinet

 Printable Version

Media Releases

Darfur: A chance for PM to show he’s serious about human rights Read More...
Generation Green has Arrived: Youth Wing of the Green Party Forms Read More...
Elizabeth May Announces Prominent Greens Adriane Carr and Claude William Genest as Deputy Leaders of federal Green Party Read More...
Elizabeth May declared hands-down winner of first all candidates debate Read More...
Green Party engages with youth at post-secondary education forum Read More...

Admin Username

London North Centre Campaign

Visit E May (dot) Ca

Watch for results of the London North Centre by-election here

Donate to the London North Centre Campaign

Campaign commercial,
airing on YouTube!

London Free Press Video

About Elizabeth May...
E-mail Elizabeth May
Elizabeth's Schedule
Elizabeth's Blog

Visit E May (dot) Ca

GP2 Report

Download the GP2 Report
in pdf - 1.93 Mb

Cross-Canada Policy Series begins!

First stop: Discuss Tax-Shifting in Halifax, November 4th.
Next stop: Postsecondary Education, London ON

In the News

May on hustings as Greens make plans
November 6th, 2006

read Dr. Jim McKenzie's speech to NFU Meeting in Oshawa, Oct 28

Environmentalists wary of NDP-Tory deal Nov 1, 2006

Feeling guilty, going green October 27, 2006

Critics blast Ottawa's 'shameful' green plan
October 20, 2006

Clean Air Act trashed
Rival parties, green groups unite to bash Tory proposal
October 20, 2006

Green party courts Turner
October 20, 2006

Green may prove fatal colour for HarperOctober 20, 2006

New poll, possibly a first MP, has federal Greens feeling red-hot
October 20, 2006

Key quotes on the Tory Clean Air Act, introduced Thursday
October19, 2006

An Accidental Canadian Finds Her Environmental Footing
October 14, 2006
New York Times

More news articles...

Job Postings
Director of Communications

Main Events
Monday, Nov 27
09:00 AM From Vision to Action: Building a Faith-Based Movement for a Canada Without Poverty
07:00 PM Calgary Centre EDA AGM
Tuesday, Nov 28
Until 05:00 PM From Vision to Action: Building a Faith-Based Movement for a Canada Without Poverty
05:00 PM U of Calgary Campus Meetings
06:45 PM York Centre Federal Green Party Association AGM Agenda
07:00 PM Ottawa Vanier Greens AGM
07:30 PM Halton shows: Who Killed the Electric Car
Wednesday, Nov 29
07:00 PM Halifax Federal Green Party Association AGM Agenda
07:00 PM Calgary Centre EDA meetings
Thursday, Nov 30
07:00 PM Ancaster - Dundas - Flamborough - Westdale AGM
07:00 PM Niagara Falls AGM
Saturday, Dec 2
02:00 PM Founding meeting of the South Shore-St. Margaret's EDA
Monday, Dec 4
Tuesday, Dec 5
05:00 PM U of Calgary Campus Meetings
07:30 PM The Davenport EDA -Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, Dec 6
07:00 PM Westmount Green Party Meeting
Thursday, Dec 7
06:30 PM Kingston Greens Third Annual Fund-Raising Dinner
Saturday, Dec 9
07:00 PM Green Christmas party in Montreal

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